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    P. 1265
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for tractors


    Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors

    Auto Parts / UNDER PRESSURE
               High injection pressures are helping to meet tougher emission
               standards, but they also mean that fuel filters require more attention.
               It is said timing is everything, and the  fuel injection system and its ability to
               injection  of  fuel  has  always  been  a  atomize  the  fuel.  In  general,  the
               matter  of  timing.  Add  the  proper  higher the injection pressure, the finer
               amount  of  atomized  diesel  into  a  the  atomization  and  the  greater  the
               cylinder at just the right moment, and  fuel economy,” explains Ed Saxman,
               the engine responds with the cleanest  product  manager,  drivetrain,  with
               burn and the best performance.  Volvo  Trucks  North  America.  “High-
                                               pressure fuel injection minimizes the
               This  explains  why  engineers  have
                                               soot… low soot formation means that
               been investing so much of their time on  100  percent  of  the  soot  can  be
               systems that deliver well-timed shots of
                                               regenerated   from   the   (diesel
               fuel at extremely high pressures.
                                               particulate  filter)  passively,  without
               The  injection  process  has  certainly  the use of additional fuel.”
               come a long way.
                                               To  suggest  that  modern  injection
               The  performance  of  traditional  pump  systems are dealing with historically
               line  nozzle  systems  was  always  high  pressures  would  be  an
               directly dependent on the speed of the  understatement.  The  35,000  psi
               engine. At  0  rpm,  the  engine  did  not  pressures  that  are  generated  for
               generate the pressure for an injection  today’s  Volvo  engines  are  20
               of fuel. Conversely, the top forces were  percent  higher  than  the  29,000  psi
               only created at the top engine speed.  that was generated for the engines
                                               built  between  2002  and  2006.
               If  the  two  points  were  plotted  on  a
               graph, there would be a straight line  Cummins  is  generating  similar
                                               pressures,  through  the  XPI  fuel
               between  the  two,  notes  Tim  Shick,
               director  of  business  and  product  system  that  was  produced  for  big-
                                               bore,  on-highway  engines  in  a
               strategy  for  Navistar’s  engine  group.
               At lower engine speeds, it meant that  partnership with Scania.
               the fuel was more likely to be delivered  But  manufacturers  have  taken  two
               in the form of a slug of diesel rather  distinctly  different  approaches  to
               than a fine mist, generating the puff of  modern fuel systems, either refining
               smoke that would spill from the stack.  existing  electronic  unit  injectors,  or
                                               adopting  common  rail  systems  that
               Enter  electronic  unit  injectors  that
               could  deliver  higher  pressures  pressurize a supply of fuel within the
                                               rail  that  feeds  the  injectors.  Rather
               across  a  wider  range  of  operating
               speeds,  regardless  of  whether  the  than  generating  pressure  with  the
                                               barrel and plunger on a unit injector,
               truck was accelerating or lugging.
                                               a  common  rail  system  includes  a
               Those  higher  pressures  are  more  high-pressure pipe and piston pump
               important than ever before.     that has enough capacity to maintain
                                               pressures at lower engine RPMs.
               “The  solution  to  meeting  EPA  ’10
               (2010)  emissions  with  good  fuel  There  are  some  differences  in  the
               economy is all about a high pressure  systems,  of  course.  Detroit  Diesel’s
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