Page 1270 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
P. 1270
Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors
Auto Parts / CONFIGURATION priming, as well as precise
management of flows and pressures
throughout the low- and high-
On-engine fuel filtration most often
pressure portions of the fuel system.”
involves a primary filter with a
relatively large screen on the suction In this case, filtration is in three
side and a fine filter on the pressure stages, with the first at 100 micron,
side of the lift pump. The reasons the second at 10 with the water
are obvious: You want to get the removal at the same time, and the
biggest particles filtered with the pressure side filter is 3 to 5 microns.
minimum pressure drop as you pull
the fuel from the tank, but with the This partly explains the very long
positive pressure from the pump, 50,000-mile filter change interval for
you can afford to filter down finely to the new Daimler heavy truck engines.
protect the injection system. As Siler says, this keeps drivers on
the road longer instead of in the shop
The new systems for 2010 will waiting while the technicians perform
require even more attention to detail. routine maintenance.
According to David Siler, director of
marketing for Detroit Diesel, there’s a No matter how many filters you
three-step filtration process to have, OEM or add-on, make sure
protect the pumps and injectors in you change them regularly. It’s
the new Detroit Diesel HDE platform probably best to err on the side of
engines. “The DD15 (and DD13) caution—and make sure drivers
engine fuel filtration system is have extras in the truck, especially
comprised of three basic elements as winter is here.
including a prescreen, a water
Reprinted with permission from
coalescer and a final filter,” he said.
Heavy-Duty Trucking.
Together, “they form an integrated,
unitized package that handles
particle removal, water separation,
air purging, fuel cooling, filling and
OTK5060 Oil Test Kit OTK5062 Brass Probalyzer Plug
Note: Purchase of kit includes Use With: Non-Marine
testing charges. Applications with OTK5060
Contains: [1] Sample Bottle Contains: Oil Sample Fittings
with Probalyzer with Instructions
[1] Sample Analysis Label for Replaces: Titan OD1014
Mailing to Laboratory
Replaces: Titan OD1020 OTK5063 Oil Test Kit
(Former OSBOT)
OTK5061 Stainless Steel Probalyzer Plug Note: Purchase of kit includes
Use With: Marine Applications testing charges.
with OTK5060 Contains: [1] Sample Bottle
Contains: Stainless Steel [1] Package for Mailing to
Plug with Instructions Laboratory
Replaces: Titan OD1015 Replaces: Titan OD8011
1268 / Auto Parts