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    Page 1269 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
    P. 1269
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for tractors


    Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors

    Auto Parts / FUEL FILTERS                    the potential damage to the engine.
                                               In  looking  for  less-expensive
               It may seem obvious, but with fuel  alternatives,  also  watch  out  where
               injection equipment so sensitive –  you  get  the  parts. At  the  last  TMC
               and  expensive  –  it  pays  to  follow  meeting,  during  a  discussion  about
               the   engine    manufacturers’  parts   counterfeiting,   retired
               recommendations  on  filtration.  Caterpillar  field  service  manager
               That  may  be  difficult  in  a  mixed  Bob  Wessels  pointed  out  that  you
               fleet   where   technicians   are  can get what look to be genuine Cat
               working  on  different  engines,  filters  at  deep  discounts  on  eBay.
               because different engines may call  Beware,  said  Wessels:  They  are
               for very different filters.     cheap  knock-offs  that  simply  won’t
               Yet it’s critical that you put on a filter  perform.
               that’s  designed  for  that  application,
                                               Also keep in mind that water in the
               say engine manufacturers and filter
                                               fuel can be just as damaging to fuel
               makers.  If  you  don’t,  the  filter  can
                                               injection  systems.  Many  truck
               plug  faster  or  allow  damaging
                                               owners go beyond the standard filter
               particles  to  get  past  the  filter  and
                                               setup,  opting  for  additional  filtration
               damage the injectors.
                                               or fuel/water separation.
               After the warranty period is up, some
                                               Fuel/water  separators  are  optional
               truck  owners  are  tempted  to  save
                                               on  many  engines  today.  If  yours
               money  and  fuel  filter  changes  by
                                               doesn’t  have  one,  add-on  fuel
               going  to  an  alternative,  less-  filters/water  separators  on  the
               expensive  filter.  Or  sometimes  a
                                               suction side of the fuel system can
               fleet  may  want  to  consolidate  two
                                               add additional fuel filtration capacity,
               parts numbers for filters that appear
                                               potentially  longer  fuel  system
               very similar. But you have to be very
                                               maintenance intervals, easy access,
               careful  in  making  those  types  of
                                               and heating options for cold-weather
               Swift Transportation  likes  to  extend
                                               Whether  you  decide  to  add
               the service intervals out as far as the
                                               fuel/water separators or other filters
               engine  manufacturer  will  allow,  may  depend  on  your  duty  cycle.  If
               using  oil  analysis  to  ensure  that
                                               you’re  trading  in  your  trucks  every
               lube-oil protection is still okay, says
                                               three years while they’re still under
               Vice  President  Michele  Calbi.  But
                                               warranty,  sticking  with  the  OEM's
               she finds that the determining factor
                                               recommendations  is  probably  fine.
               today  is  the  life  of  the  fuel  filters.  But  if  you're  keeping  your  trucks
               Using  the  recommended  filter
                                               longer,  the  more  you've  done  to
               screen sizes, she says they have to
                                               minimize  component  wear,  the
               pull  a  truck  in  mid-interval  just  to
                                               better you're going to be from a fuel
               change out the fuel filters. “That’s an
                                               system maintenance cost standpoint
               enormous lost-opportunity cost,” she
                                               after the warranty runs out.
               says,   as   well   as   a   huge
               inconvenience   for   the   driver,  And  keep  in  mind  that  in  order  to
               dispatcher  and  the  shop.  Such  work  properly,  water  separators
               concerns  must  be  weighed  against  must be drained regularly.
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