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    Page 1268 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
    P. 1268
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for tractors


    Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors

          Injection systems for 2010 will make proper fuel filtration even more
          A perennial topic at any meeting of  For  2010,  injectors  may  well  have
          the  Technology  and  Maintenance  holes shot-laser-drilled half this size
          Council of ATA is fuel filter plugging.  in the never-ending drive to get finer
          More  than  a  few  in  the  audience  and finer droplets of fuel. Shoveling
          typically say the answer is to use a  fine  dirt  particles  through  these
          wider screen filter that won’t plug as  holes  along  with  the  fuel  doesn’t
          quickly. But that’s entirely the wrong  block  them,  since  we’re  talking
          answer, given the extreme pressure  maybe 5- to 15-micron particles. But
          and  tight  tolerances  in  today’s  it  does  erode  these  finely  drilled
          sophisticated fuel injection systems.  holes over time. This leads to a loss
                                          of  control  over  the  spray  pattern,
          Opening  up  from,  say,  a  5-micron
                                          poor  combustion  and  emissions
          secondary  filter  to  a  15-micron  filter
                                          control and degrading fuel economy.
          may mean less frequent filter changes
                                          In  the  worst  case,  the  injector  may
          and  less  loss  of  performance
                                          actually slobber and the wet fuel can
          associated with plugging and low fuel
                                          jet-hose  the  cylinder  wall,  get  into
          pressure, but it is punishing the fuel
                                          the  lube  oil  and  cause  extensive
          injection  equipment  with  particles  in
                                          wear  elsewhere  than  just  the
          the  most  damaging  sizes  –  those
          around 7 microns.
                                          This all takes time, and the process
          The  most  susceptible  components  is   so   gradual   the   resulting
          are  the  injectors.  Today,  injectors  degradation  of  performance  and
          have   tiny,   electro-discharge-  economy is not noticeable unless the
          machined  and  even  laser-drilled  injectors are changed through some
          holes in the 60- to 145-micron range.  failure,  such  as  water  in  the  fuel
          (To help you visualize this, a human  actually blowing off an injector tip.
          hair  is  about  100  microns  wide.)
          These  work  with  the  extreme  In a higher-mileage engine this may
          pressure to almost atomize the fuel,  be a good excuse to turn over all the
          even  when  it  is  presented  at  the  injectors.  On  the  Series  60,  for
          injector in as many as five individual  instance,  Detroit  Diesel  says  if  one
          injection  events.  For  the  most  injector  is  being  replaced,  it  only
          complete combustion, it is essential  takes two more hours to replace all
          to present as much fuel surface area  six  injectors  to  restore  “as  new
          as  possible  to  the  combustion  performance.”  That’s  when  you’d
          process  to  minimize  the  production  notice  the  degradation  that  had
          of  unburned  carbon  or  particulate  accumulated through injector wear.
          matter. This aids fuel economy and  But you’ll also see the cost. The new
          minimizes  PM  in  the  exhaust  that  injectors  are  significantly  more
          has otherwise to be extracted in the  expensive  than  the  lower-pressure
          diesel particulate filter.      units of yesteryear.
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