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    Page 1266 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
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    Baldwinfilters cross-references for tractors


    Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors

    Auto Parts / Amplified  Common  Rail  System  CLEAN FUEL IS VITAL
          (ACRS)  generates  50  percent  of  its
          injection  pressures  with  a  high-  One   of   the   key   preventive
          pressure  pump,  and  amplifies  that
                                          maintenance  strategies  for  any  of
          pressure at the injector itself. The idea  these fuel injection systems involves
          here is to limit the stress on the fuel
                                          the related filtration of fuel, since the
          lines  and  pump,  as  well  as  offering  higher  pressures  also  can  deliver
          more precise control at the nozzle.
                                          the  tiny  abrasive  particles  that  can
          Common rail systems deliver injection  braise poppets and valves.
          pressures that are “infinitely variable  “The  orifices  and  the  tolerances  all
          and totally programmable. You can do  inside the pump and the injector are
          anything  you  want  with  the  fuel  much tighter,” Gollub explains. “For
          system,”  Shick  says,  noting  how  the  common  rail  system,  any  little
          Navistar  is  using  its  approach  to  particle larger than, say, .25 mm in
          generate less NOx within the cylinder.
                                          size  or  something  like  that,  can
          The  peak  pressures  are  not  that  cause problems.”
          different than those generated by an
                                          The  related  damage  can  manifest
          electronic  unit  injector.  But  the
          nozzles will open and close within 0.4  itself in a number of ways. When fuel
                                          first begins to run back into the tank,
          milliseconds,  offering  five  injections
          per  combustion  event,  notes  Gene  there will be a marginal affect on the
                                          engine’s  fuel  economy.  “The  first
          Gollub,  a  supervisor  in  Denso’s
          technical services department.  thing you see is you’re a couple of
                                          tenths off on (mpg),” Shick says. As
          “Even  those  two  (extra)  injections  the situation worsens, the electronic
          per combustion event help with the  fault  codes  begin  to  emerge,
          cleanliness,” he says.          complete  with  a  loss  of  power  that
          Each injection event performs a slightly  can occur under extreme situations.
          different  role.  In  the  case  of  the  five  It all makes the condition of fuel filters
          injections,  the  “pilot”  injection  allows  more  important  than  ever.  Service
          the fuel and air to mix before injection.  technicians should be watching over
          That is followed by the “pre” injection  all levels of filtration, such as the units
          that  helps  to  shorten  the  delay  of  that  filter  out  water  and  the  largest
          ignition during the “main” injection that  debris  (Shick  calls  these  “rock
          follows  –  reducing  NOx,  noise  and  catchers”),  and  the  engine-mounted
          vibrations  in  the  process.  The  “after”  filters that catch the finer material.
          injection  re-burns  particulate  matter
          that  may  remain,  and  the  “post”  Clogged fuel filters or a bad fuel pump
          injection  helps  to  manage  the  in the low-pressure rail that circulates
          temperature of exhaust gases, making  fuel to the unit injectors can present a
          exhaust  gas  recirculation  (EGR)  number of challenges, Gollub agrees.
          systems more effective.         “It’s going to be misfires, it’s going to
                                          be rough idle, surges, lack of power,
          The  systems  also  use  different  lagging,  stumbling,  hard  start,  no
          technologies  to  control  the  actual  start… you’re going to have your early
          injection,   adds   ProDiesel   vice  indicators.”
          president  of  production,  Joe  Hutto,
          referring to solenoids, electromagnetic  High  injection  pressures  also  can
          force  and  ceramic-based  Piezo  present other maintenance challenges.
          technology, with is three times as fast  Saxman, for example, refers to issues
          as its counterparts.            such as cracked alternator mountings
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