Page 1261 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
P. 1261
Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors
Auto Parts / gasoline. starting in the year 2007. The EPA
also proposed to reduce allowable
With the increased demand for sulfur levels in diesel fuel by 97% to
gasoline, new refining methods were meet these tighter standards.
needed to make more efficient use
out of heavy crudes. In 1913, the Because of the concerns of health
“thermal cracking” process was effects of certain components of
developed, which subjected heavy diesel exhaust, the EPA has moved
fuels to both pressure and intense to regulate diesel engine and vehicle
heat, breaking large molecules into emissions more strictly. These
smaller ones to produce gasoline emission controls would affect diesel
and distillate fuels. locomotives, light-duty diesel
vehicles and marine diesel engines.
Following the Second World War,
The EPA also plans to propose
various refining processes improved
gasoline quality and yield and standards for diesel engines and
fuel used in off-road construction
produced higher-quality products.
Some of these involved the use of and farm equipment.
catalysts and/or hydrogen to change Diesel vehicles and engines currently
molecules and remove sulfur. face less stringent emission
“Catalytic cracking”, developed in standards than gasoline engines.
1937, was used to break up heavier This is mainly because passenger
hydrocarbon molecules into lighter vehicles (using gasoline engines)
hydrocarbon fractions by use of heat were previously considered the main
and catalysts. This process contributor to mobile source pollution.
increased the yield of improved- As emissions from gasoline engines
quality products under much less have improved, more attention has
severe operating conditions than in been paid to improving emissions
thermal cracking. from diesel engines.
By 1960, the “hydrocracking” process Because of these new vehicle and
was developed. Hydrocracking engine regulations and proposals,
combined catalytic cracking and sulfur levels in diesel fuel will need to
hydrogenation, wherein heavier be significantly lowered. New
feedstock are cracked in the presence technologies for emission control are
of hydrogen to produce more especially sensitive to sulfur, which
desirable products. This process can corrupt emission control devices.
utilized high pressure, high
temperature, a catalyst and hydrogen MIXING FUELS
to produce more desirable products.
The refining process has come a When you have identified a supplier
long way and continues to look for that sells you consistently clean fuel,
new ways to meet the ever you may still find you have a
increasing demands for efficient, contamination problem. In the early
higher-quality products. 1950s one engine manufacturer
recognized a problem with mixing
LOW SULFUR FUELS two clean fuels. Their engine bulletin
stated that the mixing of two clean
fuels could precipitate undesirable
In 2000, the Environmental
particulate materials. These
Protection Agency (EPA) proposed particulates can be either organic or
tighter regulations for emissions
insoluble particulates. One fuel
from heavy-duty trucks and buses
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