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    Page 1257 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
    P. 1257
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for tractors


    Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors

               SYSTEMS CARE
               Hydraulic  systems  utilize  fluid  to  oil  under  pressure  and  results  in
               control  a  variety  of  functions.  On  rusty parts and a corroded pump. If
               one  machine,  you  might  have  a  the fluid is tan or gray, it needs to be
               single system doing several things.  drained  because  you  have  a  water
               On  another,  one  system  may  do  emulsion  problem.  Water  in  the  oil
               just  one  thing.  On  your  biggest  will also result in short filter life.
               machine,  you  might  have  several
               systems with each system doing a
               portion of each job.
                                               CHECKING THE SYSTEM
               Some  of  the  systems  that  use
               hydraulic  fluid  include  brakes,
                                               Some  manufacturers  say  to  check
               steering,   transmission,   torque
                                               the  hydraulic  fluid  level  every  10
               converter,   remote   cylinders,
                                               hours  of  operation.  Others  say
               implement control, hydraulic motors
                                               weekly  or  every  50  hours  and  still
               and others.
                                               others say at least every 250 hours.
               In  addition  to  control,  the  fluid  acts
                                               If you check the hydraulic fluid every
               as  a  lubricant  and  coolant  to  the
                                               time  you  check  the  engine  oil,  you
                                               won’t  be  likely  to  forget.  Most
               The  hydraulic  pump  circulates  the  systems either have a sight glass in
               same  oil  thousands  of  times  —  the reservoir or a dipstick.
               whether clean or dirty. When the oil
               is  dirty,  it  is  like  rubbing  the  pump  When  the  oil  level  isn’t  up  to  the
               continuously with emery cloth.  sight glass or the proper level on the
                                               dipstick,  fill  the  reservoir  with  the
               Without   realizing   this,   some  proper  fluid.  Don’t  over  fill  as  this
               operators  change  engine  oil  and  creates  more  pressure  which  could
               filters  religiously,  but  seldom  or  damage seals.
               never   change   hydraulic   oils.
               Hydraulic  fluid  and  filters  must  be
               changed  as  often  as  the  service
               manual says you should — even if
               you don’t think it needs it that often!
               Neglect is too costly.           Always Check Fluids on
                                                Level Ground
               Oil  in  the  hydraulic  or  transmission            FULL
               system is subject to some of the same  FULL
               contamination as engine lube oil.
               Condensation causes water to form
               in the reservoir. This mixes with the
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