Page 1253 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
P. 1253
Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors
Auto Parts / HOW TO START A Schedule the start of your off-season
MAINTENANCE maintenance early enough to be
completely ready when it is time to
use that equipment in the field.
Proper preparation will mean less
First, take your owner’s manual and
work and better protection. Work on
study it. Write out a schedule of what
machines during the off-season so
the manufacturer recommends.
they work during the season.
Allow space on your schedule to
By having all of your schedules
record weekly, semi-monthly,
written in the same format and
monthly, semi-annual and annual
stored in a single binder, or on
maintenance performed. Space
separate charts mounted on the
should be provided for recording
same wall, you save time searching
dates as well as the number of hours
for information. You also make
on the meter when each function
certain all work called for is
was performed. Daily or ten-hour
servicing should be on the schedule.
This daily maintenance should be so Good preventive maintenance will
second nature that it becomes a part reduce breakdowns, save on
of your natural routine. operating costs, enable your
equipment to work longer and allow
Make notes on the location of
you to operate more safely. You’ll
bearings, lubricants to use and
save both time and money.
adjustments to be made. Note how
this specific machine differs from the Remember, the fellow who said, “If it
machine it replaces or other ain’t broke - don’t fix it!” really meant
equipment with which you are familiar. maintain it.
When it’s time to change filters, Baldwin has over 6,500
different numbers available for lube, air, fuel, coolant,
hydraulic, transmission and many other applications.
1251 / Auto Parts