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    Page 1254 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
    P. 1254
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for tractors


    Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors

          Farm equipment and its ability to do  extra dollars when it is time to trade
          what you want it to, when you want it  the equipment in or sell it.
          to,  is  integral  to  the  efficiency  and
          sometimes,  the  very  survival  of  a  STORAGE
          commercial  farm  enterprise.  Yet,
          how  often  does  one  see  farm  Farm  equipment  that  is  left  outside
          equipment left outside for the winter  will  deteriorate  faster  than  if  it  is
          where  it  is  expected  to  perform  stored inside. Clean your equipment
          again as good as new in the spring?  off,  dry  it,  lubricate  it,  and  get  it
          Yes, this policy may work for a year  inside. Keeping moisture away from
          or  so  but  eventually  that  neglected  bearings  and  important  parts  will
          piece of equipment is going to cost  help  prevent  rust.  Also,  having  the
          you  in  terms  of  performance  and  ability  to  use  either  or  both  of  high
          production and perhaps even be the  pressure air and high pressure water
          cause  of  a  workplace  accident.  are valuable tools; avoid using water
          There are steps you can take during  on  seals  containing  bearings.  Be
          the  winter  months  to  help  prevent  stringent  with  your  cleaning,  if  you
          costly  breakdowns  that  will  also  do  not  remove  crop  residues  from
          save you money.                 the   engine   compartments   of
                                          combines for instance, then you are
          PAPERWORK                       risking a fire when you next take it
                                          out to the fields. Ensure that you pay
          Before you even think of getting your  special attention to cutter blades and
          hands dirty or calling in a mechanic to  cylinder  pans  on  forage  harvesters
          do  maintenance  you  would  be  well  and the knotters on balers; treat any
          advised to get the paperwork straight.  bare  metal  on  all  your  farm
          Make  up  an  equipment  service  equipment with grease or use a rust
          program  and  keep  records  of  preventative solvent spray.
          services   and   work   done   as
          recommended   in   the   service  If  you  cannot  get  all  of  your  farm
          handbook for each piece of your farm  equipment  inside  then  select  the
          equipment. The Virginia Cooperative  most  expensive  equipment  first.
          Extension,  says,  “A  Midwest  study  Again,  this  is  a  dollar  issue;
          showed  that  many  farmers  could  equipment  that  is  in  a  better
          reduce  machinery  repair  costs  25  condition  should  achieve  a  higher
          percent   by   improving   routine  trade-in value or sale price.
          maintenance  procedures.”  The  first
          step  to  saving  those  dollars  is  the  WORKSHOPS
          ability  to  identify  what  needs  doing
          and when. Make easy to read charts.  Spend  some  money  on  a  well
          Those very records could also mean  equipped,  suitable  sized  and  warm
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