Page 1252 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
P. 1252
Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors
Auto Parts / WHAT IS P.M.? more frequent oil filter changes and
more care in servicing air cleaners.
Preventive maintenance is a
systematic schedule of checking Good records show when you last
and maintenance to detect and performed scheduled maintenance
correct failure symptoms in early on a piece of machinery and when
stages — before they become you must next service that
major. machinery.
There are five vital areas to consider
Good records will help you service
in a preventive maintenance
equipment for dependability and
schedule - lubricating system, fuel
prepare you for emergency repairs.
system, air intake system, cooling
You will better understand machine
system and hydraulic system. Each
wear and learn to project overhauls
system has a vital job to perform in
and replacement costs into cash
getting the most power and longest
life from your equipment. You will
find articles in this book dealing with
In addition, you can sell your used
each of these systems.
equipment for more when your
maintenance records are up-to-
Effective preventive maintenance
date and show regular
starts with good record keeping.
maintenance has been performed
Records will tell you how much was
on schedule.
spent for maintenance and repair in
a year. This can be divided into a
cost per acre or cost per hour of
operation to give you a budget
figure when setting up a cash flow
The older the machine, the more HOW CAN I
maintenance should be budgeted.
One farmer says he budgets 10% SAVE MONEY BY
of the list price of a new machine for PRACTICING GOOD P.M.?
third-year maintenance. Through
proper use of your records, you will You may find the turbo-charged
be able to come up with a figure engine in your tractor that
that is right for your operation. previously needed an overhaul
every three years has now lasted
Records are not only for budgeting. five years.
If you see a part that consistently
needs attention after a certain By practicing good preventive
number of hours, replace that part maintenance and using your
before it breaks down in the field. records, you will be able to
Your records may show how you determine the actual savings in
can put off major overhauls by your own operation.
1250 / Auto Parts