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    Page 1251 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
    P. 1251
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for tractors


    Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors

               HELP YOU GAIN PROFITS
               U.S.   farmers   have   improved  it all. With specialized manpower, it’s
               productivity  more  than  any  other  no surprise that fleets are able to get
               industry  in  our  country  and  more  more  life  from  an  engine  than
               than any other farmer in the world. To  someone trying to do it all.
               be  successful,  they  put  in  longer
                                               Neglect  is  much  too  costly  these
               hours  than  just  about  any  other
                                               days. The farmer knows that a well-
                                               equipped  tractor  that  ties  up  a
               But,  in  today’s  farm  environment,  significant amount of his capital must
               long  hours  aren’t  enough  to  efficiently  be  used  for  a  number  of
               guarantee  a  successful  farming  years for return on his investment. At
               operation.  Farmers  must  be  good  that  price,  he  has  to  carefully
               business  managers,  who  strive  to  evaluate his maintenance program.
               maximize return on investment, profit
                                               A  few  years  back  he  could  buy  a
               and cash flow.
                                               new tractor for the price of rebuilding
                                               or  overhauling  one.  Now,  in  some
               The good farm manager realizes the
               one chore he can’t afford to neglect  cases,  he  can  sell  used  equipment
                                               in top condition for its original price
               is  preventive  maintenance.  A  good
               P.M.  (Preventive  Maintenance)  or more.
               program  will  keep  his  machinery
                                               Drivers  of  farm  equipment  must
               working longer.
                                               become  good  operators.  A  good
                                               operator  studies  the  Operator’s
               A  study  of  the  performance  of  fifty
                                               Manual  and  is  familiar  with  the
               farm  tractors  conducted  by  the
                                               cautions  in  it.  He  understands  the
               University  of  Kansas  Agricultural
                                               operation of controls and he watches
               Experiment  Station  shows  that  the
                                               gauges. Equipment operation at the
               average farm tractor operates at less
                                               correct speed in the right gear for the
               than 90% efficiency and uses almost
                                               job  is  his  concern.  He  regularly
               15% more fuel than necessary.
                                               services  the  equipment  with  the
               How do the “major fleet operators” get  specified  oil,  grease,  fuel  and
               more  life  out  of  their  engines?  Most  coolant.  He  is  alert  for  sounds  or
               fleets  strictly  follow  a  maintenance  action  which  might  indicate  faulty
               schedule for preventive maintenance.  functioning of any part. In addition to
                                               operating  the  equipment,  a  good
               They  also  have  a  maintenance  operator  services,  adjusts  and
               superintendent  and  mechanics  for  repairs it.
               the service work; a farmer has to do
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