Page 1259 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
P. 1259
Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors
Auto Parts / 4. Extreme pressure additives 6. Clean the area surrounding
for increased load-carrying the filter cover, then remove
and wear protection under the filter cover.
heavy or shock loads.
7. Remove the old filter and
5. Foam suppressors, rust and insert the new one. (If
corrosion inhibitors. removing a spin-on instead of
6. Compatibility with all types an element type, lightly oil the
of seals. gasket before installing on
the base.) If there is an intake
Store enough of each kind of oil
strainer on the reservoir, it
needed so you won’t be tempted to
should be checked and
substitute another oil. The right oil
will do the intended job, but the cleaned regularly to prevent
wrong oil can be very costly. possible pump cavitation.
8. Fill the reservoir with the
CHANGING FLUID correct fluid to the right
level. Use only clean oil,
funnels and containers.
On new equipment, maintenance
managers recommend a filter and Replace the filler cap.
fluid change after the first 50-hour 9. Start the engine and warm up
break-in period. To insure best long- the hydraulic system. Operate
term performance, such a change is the equipment through its
mandatory. In fact, a change after 15 working cycles several times
hours and again after 50 hours to bleed air from the system.
would be better. This gives time for When changing the
“scrubbing” the system. transmission fluid, be sure to
shift into various gears.
Although there are minor variations
in changing the oil and filters in Hydraulic and power brakes
various systems, here are some should be bled in accordance
basics applicable to all or nearly all: with instructions in the service
manual for the equipment.
1. Warm the oil to be changed. By
operating the equipment long 10. Shut off the engine and
enough to warm the oil, the oil check the oil level again.
will flow more freely, carrying Add oil if needed. Check all
connections and filters to
the contaminants with it.
make sure there is no
2. Park on a level area. An leakage or by-passing.
incline causes the oil to
remain in a portion of the
system along with some of SUMMARY
the contaminants.
3. Lower the lift arms; retract Cleanliness is most important in
the external cylinders. servicing hydraulic systems. It
doesn’t take much dirt to score
4. Shut off the engine.
valves, seize pumps, plug orifices
5. Drain and discard the oil and cause expensive repair jobs.
according to local, state and
federal regulations. (If flushing A well-maintained hydraulic system
is indicated, see flushing will give you good service. Neglect
instructions on next page.) will cause problems.
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