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    Page 1262 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
    P. 1262
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for tractors


    Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors

    Auto Parts / would   cause   particulates   to  occur when the fuel used for cooling
          precipitate  from  the  other.  They  the  injectors  is  returned  in  large
          stated  that  the  process  can  occur  quantities  to  the  tank,  causing  the
          even if both fuels are stable prior to  oxidation.  Asphaltines  sometimes
          mixing.  This  mixing  may  have  can  be  formed  as  part  of  the
          occurred at any point until the fuel is  oxidation  process.  Some  say
          used.  This  includes  the  refinery,  in  asphaltines  are  uncracked  or
          any  storage  tanks  or  your  vehicle  damaged  molecules  left  over  from
          tanks. The fact is that most users get  the refining process. Asphaltines are
          fuel  from  more  than  one  supplier.  found as an oily, black substance on
          That supplier may have obtained his  the surface of your fuel filter media.
          fuel  from  more  than  one  source  of  Most   of   the   time,   these
          stock. Some particulates seem to be  contaminants will settle out in low or
          unavoidable in the fuel.        slow flow areas of the fuel system or
                                          become  part  of  the  tank  bottom
          CONTAMINANTS                    sludge. Both the precipitates and the
          IN YOUR FUEL                    particulates  get  stirred  into  the  fuel
                                          system  during  fuel  deliveries  and
                                          can plug filtering systems.
          Fungus and Bacteria are the most
          widespread contaminants in today’s  Water in fuel probably causes people
          diesel  fuels.  These  fungus  and  the greatest concern, because it is the
          bacteria live in the water and feed on  most  common  form  of  diesel  fuel
          the hydrocarbons found in the fuel.  contaminant.  Water  is  found  in  your
          These  contaminants  are  called  fuel  system  in  two  forms,  free  and
          Hydrocarbon   Utilizing   Micro-  emulsified.  Water  in  fuel  is,  in  some
          organisms, or Humbugs for short.  part,  related  to  your  own  or  your
                                          supplier’s housekeeping practices.
          A microbial problem is evident when
          the  spores  become  active  and  Most  diesel  fuels  have  some
                                          dissolved moisture. Diesel fuel has a
          multiply, forming colonies and mats
          of  growth.  Colonies  will  spread  saturation level of water at any given
                                          temperature.  As  the  temperature
          through  a  fuel  system  wherever
          moisture or trace amounts of water  goes  down,  the  fuel  will  hold  less
                                          dissolved  moisture.  Any  moisture
          are present. Bacterial problems are
          characterized by short filter life.  above  this  saturation  level  will  not
                                          dissolve, but will fall out of the fuel
          The fuel filter will have a slime over  as  free  water.  Dissolved  water
          the  entire  surface  of  the  media.  amounts  in  fuel  are  increasing,  in
          Draining the fuel system will reduce  part, due to chemical agents used in
          microbial  activity,  but  it  will  not  the  catalytic  refining  process  which
          eliminate  it.  The  only  way  to  allow the fuel to hold more dissolved
          eliminate  microbial  growth,  once  it  water.  At  this  time,  there  is  no
          has started in a diesel fuel system, is  common   method   to   remove
          to treat the system with a biocide.  dissolved water from fuel.
          Precipitates  and  Particulates are  Free water, or non-dissolved water, in
          non-combustible  materials  formed  the fuel tanks usually comes from the
          when  two  incompatible  fuels  are  bulk  storage  tanks,  condensation,  or
          mixed, or when fuel oxidizes. Tests  from dissolved water. Free water gets
          suggest  that  fuel  can  oxidize  when  into your fuel as storage tank bottoms
          an  unstable  fuel  circulates  through  become  agitated  while  dispersing  or
          an  engine.  Heating  and  cooling  receiving  fuel.  Water,  in  the  form  of
          1260 / Auto Parts
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