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    Page 1264 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
    P. 1264
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for tractors


    Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors

    Auto Parts / Maintain good housekeeping  freezing of fuel filters and lines? You
              of  fuel  and  storage  tank  can apply a small amount of heat prior
              facilities.   Inspect   fuel  to  filtration  to  eliminate  both.
              storage  tanks  for  proper  Remember,  fuels  below  their  cloud
              ventilation and test for water  point and down to pour point will flow
              content. If necessary, pump  and can be pumped through fuel lines.
              out  water  prior  to  cold  You  could  change  the  routing  and
              weather. Is the fill spout area  location of fuel lines and filters so that
              higher  than  the  drain?  Are  they are closer to the engine exhaust
              the fill caps sealed properly?  heat.  Or,  you  could  install  a
            2. If  you  have  a  fungus  or  commercially  available  fuel  heating
              bacteria problem, treat with a  device prior to the fuel filtering system.
              commercially available biocide.  Artificially  heating  the  fuel  may  have
                                          some  drawbacks.  It  may  increase
            3. Use  proper  filters  and
              filtration   techniques   as  oxidation and decrease the stability of
              shown  in  your  owner’s    the fuel. You can chemically treat the
              manual.  Use  Baldwin  filters  fuel to control the water/icing problem.
                                          These anti-icers will have to be chosen
              for quality equal to, or better
              than,  comparable  original  carefully to find one that will do the job
                                          without  affecting  performance  or
              equipment filters.
                                          causing any damage to the engine. If
            4. Drain the sediment from your  you use an anti-icer, you will still need
              machine’s  fuel  tank  on  a  to control wax in cold weather.
              regular basis after each use.  Chemical compounds are available to
              Try  to  do  this  after  the  reduce the size and shape of the wax
              machine has set for 24 hours.  crystals  in  their  cold  weather
            5. Do  not  use  gasoline  or  formations.  These  wax  modifiers
              alcohol  as  a  diesel  fuel  cannot  prevent  the  crystallization
              additive.   This   blending  process, but they limit the formations so
              creates  a  serious  safety  they can pass through vehicle filters to
              problem  because  of  its  low  produce energy during combustion. To
              flash   point.   This   also  be  effective,  wax  modifiers  must  be
              reduces the viscosity of the  added  before  the  wax  crystals  form,
              fuel  and  can  lead  to  fuel  usually  around  12  to  15  degrees
              system damage because of    Fahrenheit.  After  wax  crystals  have
              insufficient lubrication.   formed, the only way to make the fuel
                                          usable again is to apply heat to the fuel.
            6. After  receiving  fuel  from
              your supplier, let it set for 72  SUMMARY
              hours prior to use. This will
              allow contaminant to settle.
                                          Through  proper  understanding  of
            7. Top off fuel tanks at the end  your fuel and the problems you may
              of  every  day  to  minimize  encounter, you can be ready before
              condensation.               problems occur.
          Low  temperatures  create  problems  1. Purchase high quality, clean
          that include starting the engine and  fuel.
          keeping  it  running  with  a  constant  2. Keep  it  clean  through  good
          flow  of  fuel,  while  eliminating  housekeeping practices and a
          blockage of fuel filters due to waxing  good filtration system on your
          and freezing fuel lines.            storage tanks and vehicles.
          How do you prevent the waxing and  3. Be  ready  for  cold  weather
                                              changes in your fuel.
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