Page 1263 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
P. 1263
Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors
Auto Parts / vapor, is present in the air. We call this that even though diesel fuel has
humidity. As air replaces fuel in reached its cloud point, it will still
storage tanks or vehicle tanks at the flow through the system until it
time of dispersing or receiving fuel, reaches its pour point.
moisture, in the form of humidity, is
finding its way into your fuel system. HELPFUL HINTS TO
Condensation occurs as hot fuel AVOID OR MINIMIZE
returning from the injectors flows back FUEL SYSTEM PROBLEMS
into the cooler fuel tank. Dissolved
water can turn into free water as the
Now that you know some of the
temperature goes down and the
saturation level of your fuel decreases. problems and characteristics of
diesel fuel, you may wonder if there
Free water in liquid form is heavier are solutions to them. The solution is
than fuel and settles on the slow flow simple in theory, but it may not be
or low areas of your fuel system. As quite so simple in practice. All we
water freezes, things change. Ice is need to do is to melt the ice crystals,
lighter than fuel and floats in your trap the water and foreign material,
system to plug fuel separators, filters, and raise the fuel temperature to a
or possibly the fuel pump or injectors.
level above the cloud point. An
Wax is desirable in your diesel fuel, expensive, complex filtering system
but its control in cold weather is not needed to do this. What you
operation is needed. Wax crystal will need is heat, time, separation
formations in diesel fuel are the and a filtration system that can be
result of cold temperature drained easily. All of these, plus
precipitation of paraffin. While it is some common sense, and you will
possible to remove most of the wax be well under way to solving most of
in diesel fuels during refining, it is not your diesel fuel problems.
usually done for two reasons. First, You must be selective when you
paraffin is a great source of heat
purchase your diesel fuel from your
during combustion. Secondly, to local supplier. It is difficult for him to
remove all wax from today’s heavier
maintain his fuel at a consistent
crudes would be cost prohibitive.
quality. You must understand the
The technical phrase “cloud point” complexities of today’s fuel and be
refers to wax in diesel fuel. This is prepared to deal with them. In the
the temperature at which wax long run, quality fuel is the best value.
crystals begin forming in diesel fuel.
At temperatures below cloud point, We must all realize that when filters
filters and fuel lines can become wax plug up, slowing fuel flow or stopping
plugged. Cloud point does not limit it altogether, they have done their
fluidity or mobility of fuels. Again, we job. When they seem to last a short
know of no available chemicals that time, it is simply that there is too
will control or lower the cloud point. much particulate, wax, gelled fuel,
water, etc., in the fuel and the filters
“Pour point” (or “flow point”) is are removing it. When this happens
another technical phrase. Below this
prematurely we must take steps to
temperature, untreated fuel will gel. correct the problem.
Pour points and cloud points vary
Here are some sensible guidelines
widely, depending upon the crude
from which the fuel was made, the to follow on a regular basis:
refining process and numerous 1. Care should be taken to
other reasons. It is important to note keep fuel storage tanks dry.
1261 / Auto Parts