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    Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors

    Auto Parts / or  cracked  EGR  coolers  that  can  Shick  also  stresses  that  technicians
               emerge.                         need to trust the diagnostic codes when
                                               deciding which injectors to replace.
               “Those   problems   arise   from
               ‘torsional  vibrations,’  or  high-  “It’s  amazing  how  many  electronic
               frequency  pulsing  that  originates  components are returned fault-free,”
               with  the  fuel-injection  systems,”  he  he says, noting how technicians who
               says,  noting  how  Volvo  has  find  a  fault  code  with  one  injector
               addressed the issue with camshaft-  often decide that the rest should be
               mounted  vibration  dampers  that  replaced at the same time. “Don’t try
               have been used since the D12C was  to  rationalize  around  the  system.
               introduced in 1998.             Don’t jump to the conclusions it’s a
                                               wear   issue…   with   all   good
               “Another  way  torsionals  can  be
                                               intentions,  they  (technicians)  think
               reduced  is  to  drive  the  camshaft  they’re  saving  customer  callbacks
               from  the  rear.  This  focuses  any
                                               and  saving  themselves  headaches.
               remaining  torsional  vibrations  into  In  the  end,  that  causes  a  lot  of
               the  flywheel,  which  is  the  rotating
                                               excess expenses.”
               part of the engine with the greatest
               mass,” Saxman adds.             “When  using  the  scan  tool  to
                                               diagnose the vehicle, you still have to
                                               apply  what  you  learned  from  your
               VALVE REPLACEMENTS              scan  tool  to  your  troubleshooting
               MADE EASY                       process,” Gollub adds. It means that
                                               technicians must remember to search
                                               for the root cause of a problem when
               But what about the valves themselves?
                                               injectors  are  being  replaced.  “Start
               Where are they likely to fail?
                                               fishing back into the system,” he says,
               Hutto suggests the failures normally  referring to the filters, filler neck, fuel
               will  occur  in  the  controlling  area  of  tank and water separator.
               the valve, such as the poppet valve
                                               It  is  a  good  habit  to  adopt,
               on a Detroit Diesel Series 60 engine.  considering  that  the  filtration  will
               Common  rail  systems,  meanwhile,
                                               become more important than ever in
               will  tend  to  wear  out  at  the  nozzle  the years to come.
               and check valves.
                                               Hutto, for example, suggest that the
               Luckily for service technicians, one of  industry is nowhere near the limit of
               the  advantages  of  a  common  rail
                                               the pressures that will be introduced.
               system  comes  in  the  form  of  easy
               injector replacements. These designs  “I’ve hear talk of 150,000 (psi),” he
               mean that there is no need to set unit  says. Engineers are obviously under
               injectors when running the overheads,  some  extra  pressure  to  create  the
               and the need to repair highly stressed  components  that  will  support  the
               injector rockers also disappears.  additional forces.
                                               Reprinted  with  permission  from
               Still,  there  are  some  important
               replacement  procedures  to  follow  Truck Parts & Services.
               with any style of injector. A number
               of  the  components  cannot  be  re-
               used,  even  if  they  do  seem  “good
               enough”  to  fit.  Seals,  for  example,
               sacrifice themselves when they are
               first installed.
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