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    Page 1260 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
    P. 1260
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for tractors


    Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors

          Although  emission  regulations  are
          becoming increasingly stricter, there
          are  still  contaminants  in  fuel  which
          are  within  American  Society  for
          Testing  and  Materials  (ASTM)  and
          the  American  Petroleum  Institute  lighter  fractions  (components  or
          (API) specifications.           products  within  crude  oil)  and  were
                                          low in sulfur content. Now, much of
          There was a time, not too long ago,
                                          the  world’s  supply  of  light,  sweet
          when you could assume that the fuel  crudes is depleting. What we are left
          delivered to you was relatively clean.
                                          with  are  heavy,  sour  crudes. These
          In today’s market, neither the owner  sour crudes don’t have enough of the
          or  operator  of  farm  machinery  can
                                          lighter fractions and are rich in sulfur.
          take for granted the quality of his fuel.
                                          Fractions  vary  from  butane  (at  the
          Fuel  contamination,  in  varying  light end) to tar (at the heavy end).
          amounts,   is   a   fact   of   life.  The middle fractions are where you
          Contaminants  in  your  fuel  are  get your diesel fuel and gasoline.
          generally  introduced  in  your  fuel
          storage   systems   by   mixing,
          transferring and storing of fuel by you,  NEWER REFINING
          your  suppliers  or  their  sources.  The  METHODS
          responsibility  of  understanding  the
          effects  of  these  contaminants  upon  Petroleum  refining  has  evolved
          your fuel and how to minimize them,  continuously   in   response   to
          falls squarely on your shoulders.  changing  consumer  demand  for
                                          better  and  different  products.  The
          Your  job  is  to  anticipate  any
          problems  and  act  to  minimize  original demand was for kerosene to
                                          use  as  a  cheaper  and  better  light
          downtime  and  eliminate  damage
          due  to  contaminated  fuel. You  may  source  than  whale  oil.  The
                                          development   of   the   internal
          ask  yourself,  what  are  all  of  these
          problems  that  I  now  need  to  be  combustion  engine  led  to  the
                                          production  of  gasoline  and  diesel
          aware of? How do contaminants get
          into my fuel system?            fuels. Next came the airplane, which
                                          created a need first for high-octane
                                          aviation gasoline, then for jet fuel, a
          HEAVIER CRUDES                  sophisticated  form  of  the  original
                                          product, kerosene.
          When oil was at a seemingly endless  With  the  onset  of  mass  production
          supply,  refiners  used  only  the  best  and  World  War  I,  the  demand  for
          crudes.  These  were  called  light,  gasoline-powered vehicles increased
          sweet  crudes.  They  were  rich  in  dramatically,  as  did  the  demand  for
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