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    Page 1258 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
    P. 1258
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for tractors


    Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors

    Auto Parts / Whenever  a  remote  cylinder  is
                             DON’T        plugged, trapped air must be bled to
                             INVITE       prevent  sluggish  action  of  the
                                          cylinder.  Noise  in  the  hydraulic
                                          system  may  also  be  caused  by
                                          inadequate  oil  flow.  A  noisy  or  hot
                                          hydraulic pump is usually not getting
                                          enough oil.
                                          HYDRAULIC OIL
          If the system is regularly low on oil,
          look for leaks or cracks in the system.
                                          Follow the equipment manufacturer’s
          Hold a piece of cardboard near where
                                          recommendation   in   selecting
          you  suspect  a  leak.  Hydraulic  fluid
                                          hydraulic  fluid. That  is  the  fluid  that
          under  pressure  is  dangerous,  it  will
                                          meets  the  needs  of  the  system
          pierce  the  skin.  Protection  is  also
                                          whether  it  is  a  simple  cylinder,
          needed for your eyes.
                                          precision  hydraulic  pump,  or  a
          Pinched  or  dented  lines  can  cause  common reservoir for both hydraulic
          oil foaming, overheating and loss of  and transmission systems.
          hydraulic power.
                                          The  fluid  specified  may  be  the
          If  you  find  it  necessary  to  replace  standard API service classification of
          hoses or tubes, wash the new lines  SM.  It  may  be  a  special  antiwear
          inside  and  out  with  clean  hydraulic  hydraulic oil. It may be a four-way oil
          or  transmission  fluid  of  the  type  such  as Allis  Chalmers A-26  Fluid,
          regularly  used  in  the  system.  Case  TCH  Fluid,  Ford  M2C41-A
          (Solvents are not suitable and could  Fluid, IHC Hy-Tran B-6 Fluid or John
          cause problems.)                Deere 303 Special-Purpose Fluid.
          When  you  connect  or  tighten  hose  Some  fluids  used  as  transmission-
          fittings,  use  two  wrenches  to  avoid  hydraulic  fluids,  which  also  operate
          twisting lines. Tighten only until snug.  wet  brake  or  wet  clutch  systems,
                                          require  additives  to  control  chatter.
          When  inspecting  hoses,  look  for
                                          All of the four-way oils listed in the
          cracking,  splitting,  pinhole  leaks,
                                          previous  paragraph  have  the
          rubbing,  heat  damage,  twisting  or
                                          following characteristics in common:
          improper routing. Hydraulic fluid will
          foam  if  there  is  air  trapped  inside.  1. High  oxidation  stability  for
          Air  leaks  will  cause  the  fluid  to  long life protection.
          oxidize rapidly, forming harmful gum
          and sludge.                      2. Low  pour  point  for  low
                                              temperature  service  and
          Noisy  hydraulic  systems  usually
                                              cold starting.
          have  air  in  them.  Bleed  air  from
          cylinders  by  running  them  at  least  3. High viscosity index for best
          four times from fully retracted to fully  viscosity  under  various
          extended position.                  operating temperatures.
          1256 / Auto Parts
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