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    Page 1275 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
    P. 1275
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for tractors


    Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors

    Auto Parts / there  is  no  mixing/agitation,  the  A: A:          Demulsifiers  help  make  water
                   level of dispersion in the storage  drop  out  of  suspension,  so  the
                   tank will be an unknown variable.   filter/separator   can   more
                                                   effectively  remove  water.  The
                        To  obtain  proper  dispersion  in  a
                                                   detergents  that  are  added  to
                   bulk  storage  tank,  add  the
                                                   diesel  fuel  additives  tend  to
                   recommended  ratio  of  fuel
                                                   emulsify water into the fuel, which
                   additive  to  the  tank  prior  to
                                                   can cause various issues. This is
                   adding  the  fuel.  The  addition  of
                                                   why demulsifiers are added to all
                   the  base  fuel  will  provide  the
                                                   Stanadyne Diesel Fuel Additives.
                   necessary mixing/agitation.
                                                        Emulsified  water  in  fuel  can
               Q:                                  cause  a  variety  of  issues
               Q:   Are  Stanadyne  Diesel  Fuel
                   Additives  compatible  with     including:
                   high-pressure  common  rail           •    Erosion of the injectors
                   fuel  systems  and  will  they       (especially in HPCR engines)
                   harm  exhaust  aftertreatment
                                                        •    A reduction of the speed of
                                                        combustion resulting in still
               A: A:    Stanadyne Diesel Fuel Additives       burning particles striking the
                   are  compatible  with  all  types  of       cylinder wall and crown
                   fuel  systems  and  will  not  harm
                                                        •    Volatility of the fuel in the
                   aftertreatment systems.
                                                        pumps before entering the
                                                        engine, causing fuel delivery
               Q:                                       issues
               Q:   Can  I  use  Stanadyne  Diesel
                   Fuel   Additives   to   treat
                                                        •    Incomplete combustion/
                                                        power loss
               A: A:    Stanadyne Diesel Fuel Additives           •    A dilution of the oil film in the
                   will  effectively  treat  the  diesel       engine’s cylinder, leading to
                   (petroleum)  portion  of  biodiesel       increased wear
                   up  to  B20  and  increase  water
                   separation.                          •    Corrosion in the engine and
                                                        fuel system components
               Q:   How  long  will  Performance
                                               Q:   Are  Stanadyne  Diesel  Fuel
                   Formula Fuel  Additives  keep  Q:
                   fuel stable?                    Additives   formulated   to
                                                   provide protection against the
               A: A:    The  antioxidants  contained  in  plugging   of   filters   from
                   Performance   Formula   Fuel    asphaltenes?
                   Additives  will  keep  diesel  fuel
                   stable  for  approximately  12  A: A:    All  Stanadyne  Diesel  Fuel
                   months.                         Additives,   excluding   Winter
                                                   1000 ,  have  detergents  in  the
                                                   chemistry  that  will  help  disperse
               Q:                                  asphaltene molecules in order to
               Q:   What  are  demulsifiers  and
                   does  Stanadyne  Diesel  Fuel   minimize fuel filter clogging.
                   Additives use them?
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