Page 1276 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
P. 1276
Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors
Auto Parts / Q: Q: should Stanadyne
Q: When
Q: When should Performance
Formula Injector Cleaner be Gasoline Additive+ be used?
A: A: The Stanadyne Gasoline
A: A: Performance Formula Injector Additive+ has concentrated
Cleaner has concentrated detergents, ethanol protection
detergents to clean common rail and a corrosion preventative to
injectors and the fuel system and clean the fuel injection system .
should be used on an as needed Recommended use is once a
basis, as a “One Tank” clean up, month. If the vehicle and/or small
or when performance issues engine is being stored for a long
arise. For preventive period of time, fuel should be
maintenance, use 4 – 6 times per treated with Stanadyne Gasoline
year or at every oil change Additive+ due to its ethanol
interval. protection and fuel stabilizer
1274 / Auto Parts