Page 1289 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
P. 1289
Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors
CSC is easy to use. Follow these Now it’s time to refill the system. Use
simple directions: a proper mixture of 50% antifreeze
and 50% water and SCAs. The
1. Read label for proper quality of water used in the cooling
limitations and handling system can significantly influence
instructions. the proper maintenance of the
system. For proper system
2. Drain cooling system. maintenance, a high quality water is
Properly dispose of used required. Most engine
coolant in accordance with manufacturers have recommended
city, county and state water quality specifications.
3. Immediately flush the
system. Do not allow the Caterpillar Cummins Detroit Diesel
cooling system to dry out.
Hardness 170 ppm 170 ppm 170 ppm
Chlorides 40 ppm 40 ppm 40 ppm
4. Fill your cooling system with
Sulfates 100 ppm 100 ppm 100 ppm
a mixture of CSC and water.
The proper ratio is one Dissolved 340 ppm 340 ppm 340 ppm
gallon CSC for each ten
NOTE: When contacted, Mack informed us that there
gallons cooling system are no limits on water used in their engines.
capacity. While you may get
improved performance from
a higher concentration of Antifreeze should be used in the
CSC, do not use CSC at
more than twice the cooling system year-round. The
r e c o m m e n d e d glycol in the antifreeze provides
concentration levels. freeze protection. It also provides a
Cooling system damage stable environment for gaskets and
may result. seals. These same gaskets will
shrink in straight water and leakage
5. Circulate in your system for could occur.
a minimum of one hour at
180° (include turning on the Some of the major problems we see
heater). Do not leave in in cooling systems today occur due
system more than three to antifreeze related problems. One
hours. Cooling system of the most publicized problems is
damage may result. silicate gelatin/drop-out. Silicate gel
problems have increased in
6. Drain the system of CSC frequency since the early 1980s.
and dispose of properly.
Flush with water until clear.
The two major causes of this
problem are:
7. Inspect visible parts. If hard
scale deposits remain, 1. High silicate antifreezes.
repeat steps 1 through 6.
2. Over concentration of
8. Install the recommended antifreeze and/or Supplemental
coolant filter. Coolant Additives.
1287 / Auto Parts