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    Page 1287 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
    P. 1287
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for tractors


    Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors

               There  are  many  cooling  system  The  first  three  functions  can  be
               problems  and  failures.  Most  of  these  accomplished  by  using  a  low-
               problems  have  occurred  due  to  silicate  antifreeze  and  water
               incorrect information and maintenance  mixture   which   is   commonly
               practices.  The  following  will  address  referred  to  as  coolant.  Additional
               these problem areas by correcting the  chemicals  must  be  introduced  to
               erroneous  information  and  listing  the  the  system  to  prevent  scale  and
               proper maintenance practices.   sludge  formation  and  to  provide
                                               corrosion  protection.  To  achieve
               THE BALDWIN                     these  functions,  supplemental
               ADVANTAGE COOLING               coolant  additives  must  be  added
               SYSTEM PROTECTION               to the system either as a liquid or
                                               as  a  dissolving  solid  contained  in
                                               the coolant filter.
               Baldwin Filters offers comprehensive
               cooling system protection. A complete  Supplemental  Coolant  Additives
               line  of  OEM  replacement  coolant  (SCAs)  typically  contain  inhibitors
               filters,  a  choice  between  additive  designed  to  prevent  generalized
               chemistry  and  powerful,  yet  safe,  corrosion  as  well  as  cavitation
               cooling system cleaner are the keys  erosion,  polymers  that  keep  hard
               to  this  coverage.  Baldwin  offers  an  water  scale  from  depositing  on
               add-on filter base which allows you to  engine  surfaces  and  buffers  to
               convert  any  cooling  system  to  the  reduce  the  acidity  of  the  coolant.
               convenience of spin-on filtration, with  When   used   according   to
               or without chemicals.           manufacturers’  recommendations,
                                               most SCAs are beneficial.
               THE NEED FOR
               COOLANT ADDITIVES
                                               HOW DO SCAs
               According to the information supplied  PREVENT LINER PITTING?
               by  the  leading  heavy-duty  engine
               manufacturers,  40%  of  all  premature  Cylinder  liner  perforation  is  a
               engine failures can be traced to some  common  cause  of  premature
               deficiency  in  the  cooling  system.  failure  in  unprotected  engines.
               Neglecting maintenance can be costly.  Liner  pitting  occurs  as  collapsing
                                               air  bubbles  in  the  coolant  scour
               Engine Coolant performs a number of
                                               away  at  the  unprotected  outer
               important functions:
                                               surface  of  the  liner.  Estimates
                ■ Removes heat                 show that these imploding bubbles
                ■ Lubricates components (such  can generate pressures in excess
                   as water pumps)             of 60,000 PSI at the surface of the
                ■ Provides freeze protection   liner  wall.  If  left  unchecked,
                ■ Prevents scale/sludge formation  complete perforation of the liner is
                ■ Protects against corrosion   likely.
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