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    Page 1285 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
    P. 1285
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for tractors


    Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors

    Auto Parts / decrease  in  fuel  consumption  after  INNER ELEMENTS
               servicing a loaded air cleaner.
                                               Some  air  filter  housings  are
               Agricultural  machinery  often  has  a
                                               equipped with two air elements, an
               pre-screener  in  addition  to  a  pre-
                                               outer and an inner. It is important to
               cleaner.  The  pre-screener  prevents
                                               note that the inner element is merely
               lint,  chaff  and  leaves  from  getting
                                               a  secondary  element.  The  inner
               into  the  air  induction  system.  Keep
                                               element  will  prevent  contaminants
               the screen clean by brushing off any
                                               from  entering  the  intake  when  you
                                               are changing the outer element. You
               If the pre-cleaner has an unloading  should never run an engine without
               valve,  it  should  be  checked  daily.  the outer element in place or if you
               Squeeze  the  rubber  “burper”  valve  know  of  a  problem  with  the  outer
               to make sure all dirt is cleared. Dust  element.  You  only  need  to  change
               cups or bowls must be emptied daily,  the inner element every third to fifth
               or more frequently, depending upon  outer  element  change,  or  at  least
               conditions.                     once per year.
               Each  time  you  service  your  air  cleaner,  you  run  the  risk  of  damaging  it,
               seating it wrong or knocking dirt into the housing. Use extreme care when
               servicing an air cleaner. In order to avoid unnecessary servicing, be sure to
               rely on your service indicator.
                 1. Be  sure  the  engine  is  turned  off  before  servicing  the  air  filter
                    element. Wipe the outside of the lid and housing before removing
                    lid. Do not change an air filter in an unprotected place where dust
                    is likely to blow into the housing.
                 2. Remove the lid. Check the cover to make sure it is not dented or
                    warped. It must seal properly.
                 3. Remove  the  outer  element  carefully,  then  remove  the  inner
                    element  if  required.  Extreme  care  should  be  taken  to  keep  dirt
                    from  falling  down  into  the  intake  duct.  Baldwin  recommends
                    replacing  the  inner  element  with  every  3rd-5th  changing  of  the
                    outer  element.  Do  not  pry  the  old  filter  element  out  as  it  could
                    cause distortion of the housing resulting in improper sealing.
                 4. Use a clean, damp cloth to wipe any dust left in the filter housing.
                    Replace lid or cover housing using a clean cloth to guard against
                    dust re-entering the housing. Do not use an air hose to clean filter
                    housings, as this will blow dirt into the engine.
                                                                         1283 / Auto Parts
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