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    Page 1284 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
    P. 1284
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for tractors


    Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors

    Auto Parts / If compressed air is used to blow out  heavier  than  air,  are  swirled  to  the
          the dirt, it is important that you don’t  outside of the housing, drop down to
          use  excessive  pressure  (over  40  a  low  pressure  bowl  at  the  bottom
          PSI) so as not to damage the paper.  and are evacuated through either a
          The  air  flow  should  always  be  self-cleaning  trap  or  a  rubber
          opposite the normal air flow direction  unloading valve.
          of the filter when in use. The stream
          of compressed air should follow the  Other  pre-cleaner  units  have  an
          filter pleats, not at right angles to the  aspirator  which  attaches  to  the
          pleats. A good shop vacuum cleaner  exhaust  stack.  Exhaust,  moving
          can also be used to remove heavy  through  a  venturi  inside  the
          surface dirt accumulation.      aspirator, causes a constant vacuum
                                          to  be  applied  to  a  scavenger  tube
          The  procedures  for  cleaning  air  connected  to  the  pre-cleaner.  This
          filters can only remove large particle  vacuums off the dirt collected in the
          size  dirt  accumulations.  To  remove  pre-cleaner  and  expels  the  dirt  out
          the  finer  dirt  particles,  some  shops  the exhaust.
          wash their filters. It is important that
          the  filter  be  inspected  carefully  for
          damage  and  cleaning  should  be  PRE-SCREENERS AND
          performed   by   a   professional  DIRT UNLOADING
          cleaning service. Even then, there is
          a limit to the number of times a filter  DEVICES
          can  be  washed  because  each
          washing  weakens  the  filtering  An  average  tractor  is  estimated  to
          material.                       take in 75 lbs. of dirt per season. A
                                          pre-cleaner  removes  from  80%  to
          Cleaning  air  filter  elements,  no  90% of this dirt, so it’s up to the air
          matter how it is done, involves a risk  filter element to remove the rest.
          in damaging the filter and does not
          fully restore the filter to full capacity.  If dirt gets past the air filter, it is drawn
          The cost of the filter is low enough  into  the  cylinders,  mixing  with  the
          compared  to  the  cost  of  an  engine  lubricating oil. It then scores cylinder
          overhaul  that  it’s  just  not  worth  the  walls  and  grinds  away  at  rings  and
          risk. Never attempt to clean or reuse  bearings.  If  the  air  filter  becomes
          the inner element if one is provided.  plugged, the engine becomes choked
                                          or  “starved  for  air.”  When  this
          The  Baldwin  warranty  is  voided  happens, excess fuel is injected into
          once an air filter is cleaned.
                                          the  cylinders  because  of  the  air/fuel
                                          ratio, which can wash away the oil film
          AIR PRE-CLEANERS                on  cylinder  walls  and  dilute  the
                                          crankcase oil. If fuel is trapped above
                                          the  piston,  it  can  burn  a  hole  in  the
          Many    original   equipment
                                          piston. Loss of air to an engine also
          manufacturers  install  a  pre-cleaner
                                          causes   overheating,   loss   of
          in the air induction system, ahead of
                                          horsepower, excess fuel consumption
          the  main  filter  element.  These
                                          and excessive bearing wear.
          elements  have  stationary  blades
          that set up a swirling motion of the  Tests have shown a 7.6% increase
          incoming air. The dirt particles, being  in  horsepower  and  an  11.4%
          1282 / Auto Parts
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