Page 1288 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
P. 1288
Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors
Auto Parts / Technically, this scouring process is dissolve scale and corrosion
known as cavitation erosion. While it products while removing silica gel
can appear anywhere on the cylinder and oil found in the heavy-duty truck
liner, most pitting occurs as a narrow and off-road engine cooling systems.
vertical band, perpendicular to the
axis of the crankshaft. A secondary There are cooling system cleaners
available that routinely use acids to
band may be found on the opposite
remove deposits. The acids have
side of the liner.
different degrees of effectiveness,
The air bubbles are primarily the result but all share an aggressiveness to
of vibration of the liner wall as the piston metal surfaces within the cooling
travels up and down in the cylinder system. CSCs have inhibitors to
bore. Therefore, any change in the protect metal surfaces within your
design of the engine which increases cooling system during use.
the vibration of the liner (such as thinner
cylinder walls, longer sleeves or poor WHAT WILL CSCs DO FOR
mechanical fit) will increase the MY COOLING SYSTEM?
potential for liner perforation.
To combat the effect of cavitation CSCs will remove these contaminants
erosion, all heavy-duty engine from your cooling system:
manufacturers recommend the use of 1. Corrosion products are
SCAs. The SCAs coat the liner walls insoluble deposits of iron,
with a hard oxide film that acts as a
aluminum, copper and lead
barrier between the liner wall and the
formed as the result of
collapsing air bubbles, but does not corrosion.
significantly impede heat transfer.
While the SCAs cannot prevent the 2. Hard water scale is an
formation or collapse of the bubbles, insoluble deposit of calcium
the oxide film is thick enough to keep and magnesium resulting
the bubbles away from the liner from hard water, temperature
surface, thus effectively preventing and reactions with antifreeze
pitting of the liners. and inhibitors.
3. Oil contamination has
STARTING RIGHT WITH always been a problem
within the heavy-duty diesel
engine. Some ways oil has
SYSTEM CLEANER (CSC) found its way into the
cooling system are from
■ CSC5012 (1 Gallon) internal leaks, repairs to the
■ CSC5013 (5 Gallons) system and use of additives
containing soluble oil.
Before changing the coolant, the
4. Silica gelatin has only recently
system should be thoroughly flushed
to remove any contamination. A been recognized as a common
clean system is free of solid formulate within cooling
systems. Silica gel is the result
contaminants and oil.
of inhibitor over-concentration
CSCs are inhibited non-caustic with antifreeze and/or
chelating cooling system engine supplemental inhibitors or use
cleaners. CSCs are formulated to of a high silicate antifreeze.
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