Page 1291 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
P. 1291
Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors
Auto Parts / maintenance dosages, Baldwin BTE and 60% by system volume. For
will maintain balanced inhibitor ease of maintenance, most fleets
levels throughout the coolant’s incorporate a 50-50 mix of low-
working life. silicate antifreeze and water. BTE is
not recommended for those systems
The quantity of solids in Baldwin that only use water as a coolant.
BTE is lower than competitive
products. This eliminates the
problems caused by inhibitor over-
concentration (higher silicate levels) BALDWIN BTA PLUS
and the related problems of drop-out (Replacement for DCA4)
deposits and insoluble gels.
Baldwin BTE is an excellent match Baldwin’s Balanced Treatment
for the SCAs currently used and Additive (BTA PLUS) is a
recommended by Caterpillar, Detroit phosphate/molybdate/nitrite-based
Diesel, Mack and Navistar. It is a coolant inhibitor. BTA PLUS was
direct replacement for DCA2 on introduced as a direct replacement
earlier Cummins engines. Although for DCA4 used in newer Cummins
compatible with DCA4, Baldwin engines. Because it provides the
recommends draining and cleaning same levels of active ingredients
the cooling system prior to specified by the engine
converting a newer Cummins manufacturer, it is equally effective
engine. BTE is also compatible with as DCA4 in controlling cylinder liner
Nalcool 2000 and 3000. pitting.
Today’s heavy-duty engine BTA PLUS can be used in either
manufacturers recommend year- plain water or water/antifreeze
round usage of antifreeze. Baldwin systems. However, for best overall
BTE is specifically formulated to engine performance, Baldwin
compliment both ethylene- and recommends BTA PLUS be used in
propylene-glycol coolants. Antifreeze systems containing 40% to 60%
levels should be kept between 40% antifreeze by system volume.
Systems Using BTA PLUS
Systems Using BTE Maintenance Filter
Size of Cooling 12,000-15,000 Miles
Maintenance Filter System System or 300-350 Hours
Size of Cooling 12,000-15,000 Miles (U.S. Gallons) Pre-Charge + (Units of BTA PLUS)
System System or 300-350 Hours 1-6 10 Units of BTA PLUS* BW5070 (2)**
(U.S. Gallons) Pre-Charge + (Units of BTE) 7-16 18-24 Units of BTA PLUS* WC16, WC12 (4)**
1-10 10 Units of BTE* BW5136 (2)** 17-21 34 Units of BTA PLUS* BW5072 (6)**
11-20 20 Units of BTE* BW5137 (4)** 22-32 52 Units of BTA PLUS* BW5073 (8)**
21-30 30 Units of BTE* BW5138 (6)** 33-43 72 Units of BTA PLUS* BW5074 (12)**
31-40 40 Units of BTE* BW5139, BW5182 (8)** 44-51 87 Units of BTA PLUS* BW5075 (15)**
41-50 44 Units of BTE* BW5143 (11)** 52-70 103 Units of BTA PLUS* BW5140 (23)**
51-60 64 Units of BTE* BW5140 (16)** + Any combination of coolant filters and liquid BTA PLUS may be
+ Any combination of coolant filters and liquid BTE may be used used to achieve the proper number of units to treat your
to achieve the proper number of units to treat your system. system.
* Add 1 pint (4 Units) of BTE for every 4 gallons of cooling * Add 1.25+ Units of BTA PLUS for every gallon of cooling
system capacity to pre-charge the system. system capacity to pre-charge the system.
** Add 1 pint (4 Units) of BTE for every 20 gallons of cooling ** Add 1.25 Units of BTA PLUS for every 4 gallons of cooling
system capacity for 12,000-15,000 miles or 300-350 hours of system capacity for 12,000-15,000 miles or 300-350 hours of
maintenance. maintenance.
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