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    Page 1292 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
    P. 1292
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for tractors


    Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors

    Auto Parts / COMPLETE                        certain  amount  of  solid  debris  may
          SYSTEM PROTECTION               still  be  found.  Sources  of  this
                                          contamination include residual core
                                          sand  (from  engine  block  casting),
          When  using  Baldwin  BTE  or  BTA
                                          oxidized  material  and  chemical
          PLUS  in  a  regular  maintenance
                                          contaminants.  Keeping  the  fluid
          program,  the  life  of  the  coolant  is
                                          clean prevents costly down time and
          approximately 250,000 miles (5,000
                                          replacement of components such as
          hours)  or  two  years  (whichever
                                          water  pump  impellers,  cab  heaters
          comes  first).  Anytime  the  coolant
                                          and oil coolers.
          fluid is replaced, it is advised that the
          cooling  system  be  cleaned  and  Baldwin  offers  a  complete  line  of
          drained  with  Baldwin  Coolant  coolant  filters  for  most  OEM
          System Cleaner (CSC). Refill with a  applications.  Coolant  filters  which
          50-50  mix  of  low-silicate  antifreeze  already   contain   the   proper
          and water, and properly pre-charge  maintenance dose of SCAs provide
          your cooling system with SCAs.  convenience  and  lower  service
                                          costs.  Baldwin  coolant  filters  are
          Baldwin BTE and BTA PLUS, in a well
                                          available  with  BTE  or  BTA  PLUS
          maintained  cooling  system,  provides
          maximum protection against:     supplemental  additives.  Filters  are
                                          available without additives for those
            ■ Cavitation  erosion  of  wet
                                          who prefer liquid formulations.
              sleeve liners
            ■ Pitting of all metals, including
              brass, copper, aluminum and  EASY TO ADD
              iron                        SPIN-ON PROTECTION
            ■ Formulation  of  hard  water
              deposits on engine surfaces  For  cooling  systems  which  do  not
                                          offer the convenience and protection
            ■ Water pump seepage caused
                                          of  a  filter,  Baldwin  offers  a  Coolant
              by granular precipitate on the
              face seals                  Filter  Base  (CFB5000).  The  filter
                                          base allows the user to incorporate a
            ■ Solder corrosion/bloom
                                          spin-on  coolant  system  filter,  thus
            ■ Excessive foaming
                                          expanding the life of the equipment.
            ■ High acidity levels
                                          The base is designed for low flow and
            ■ Deterioration  of  gaskets  or
                                          must  be  hooked  up  in  the  heater
                                          circuit as a by-pass system. A by-pass
          Baldwin  Filters  supports  efforts  to        system  means
          protect the environment. Dispose of all        that  not  all  the
          used  coolant  in  accordance  with            coolant  going  to
          regional and federal regulations. Please       the  heater  core
          contact  your  local,  city  and  state        passes  through
          agencies for details on proper disposal.       the  filter  and
          COOLANT FILTERS                            NOTE
                                           To prevent coolant loss during filter
                                           changes,  shut-off  valves  can  be
          Even  in  well  maintained  systems
                                           installed on the inlet and outlet lines.
          containing proper levels of SCAs, a
          1290 / Auto Parts
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