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    Page 1293 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
    P. 1293
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for tractors


    Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors

    Auto Parts / MAKE-UP COOLANT                 corrosion  is  to  pre-charge  with  a
                                               high dosage of the selected Baldwin
                                               SCA.  This  is  necessary  to  insure
               When  you  need  to  replace  lost
                                               that  all  surfaces  in  the  cooling
               coolant,  use  a  50-50  mix  of  low-
                                               system are adequately coated while
               silicate antifreeze and water (as per
                                               still allowing enough residual SCA to
               GM    6803-M    specifications).
                                               provide  protection  until  the  next
               Remember,  it  is  important  to
                                               service  interval.  It  is  vital  that  the
               maintain the proper level of SCAs in
                                               cooling system be pre-charged any
               the system. Add the correct amount
                                               time 50% or more of the coolant is
               of BTE or BTA PLUS for the volume
               of  coolant  being  replaced.  If  over
               half  of  the  coolant  has  been  lost,
                                               The pre-charge dosage for Baldwin
               flush  and  drain  the  system.  Refill
                                               BTE  is  one  unit  of  SCAs  per  one
               with  new  coolant  and  pre-charge
                                               gallon  coolant.  Baldwin  BTA  PLUS
               according to recommendations.
                                               users should pre-charge at the rate
                                               of 1.25+ units of SCA per one gallon
                                               of coolant (or 5 units/4 gallons). The
               PRE-CHARGE FILTER               SCAs  can  be  added  in  any
               PRODUCT SELECTION               combination  of  chemically-charged
                                               coolant  filters  and  liquid  additives
               The first step in protecting a heavy-  meeting  the  required  number  of
               duty cooling system from damaging  units.
                                COOLANT TEST KIT
                            FOR BTE AND BTA PLUS
                 Tests  all  types  of  SCAs  by
                 measuring freeze point, nitrite
                 and molybdate.
                 Contains:   (50) Test Strips
                                  Sample Vial
                                  Extraction Pipet
                                  Color Chart
                                  Instruction Sheet
                 Contains:   (1) Test Strip
                                  Color Chart
                                  Instruction Sheet
                 Contains:   (4) Test Strips
                                  Color Chart
                                  Instruction Sheet
                                                                         1291 / Auto Parts
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