Page 1304 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
P. 1304
Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors
Most questions are answered in this Can I assort quantities to get the
booklet but here are some questions case lot prices?
that might be on your mind:
Most dealers participating in the
Baldwin Farm Program do permit
you to assort quantities and still give
Can I get Baldwin Filters for my
you case lot prices, particularly on
trucks and automobiles?
fuel filters. However, they are under
Yes. Your Baldwin supplier has no obligation to do so. In fact, they
access to over 6,000 different part are free to set their own qualifying
numbers. Fleets of all sizes use our minimum purchase amount before
filters because maintenance letting you buy at these low money-
superintendents appreciate Baldwin’s saving wholesale prices.
heavy-duty protection.
What is the most important step
Do I need any other catalogs to in changing filters?
determine car and truck filters?
Inspection afterwards to make sure
No. Spin-on lube filters, extracted the seal is complete. If you make
from our applications catalog, are sure you have the right filter installed
listed in condensed form in this in the right way with the right gasket,
catalog. Any oil, fuel, air, or the filter can do its intended job.
transmission filter for any vehicle,
whether listed here or not, can be
obtained from your Baldwin supplier.
Just tell him the make and model of Can I be a Baldwin Dealer?
the engine or the number and brand
This is up to the Baldwin distributor in
of filter being replaced.
your area. He may already have all of
the dealers he can use. Or, he may
give you a commission for selling to
Can I use Baldwin filters on
other farmers. Custom applicators
equipment still under warranty?
and custom combiners often sell a
year’s supply of filters while lining up
Yes. It is against the law for the
their next season’s job.
equipment manufacturer to void
warranty simply because the filter used
doesn’t have their label. Our filters meet
or exceed all equipment manufacturer’s
performance specifications. When you Contact your Baldwin Distributor
use our filter, you get extra protection for if you have other questions
your equipment and your warranty. you would like answered.
1302 / Auto Parts