Page 1303 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
P. 1303
Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors
Prior to the mid 1950s virtually all engine establish standardized oil filter cartridge
oil filters were of the cartridge style. sizes, thereby eliminating the number of
Changing the oil filter was a very messy different part numbers required to
job that could result in a good deal of oil service a particular brand of vehicle.
leakage both in and around the area of The new cartridge filter housing will also
the housing and on the mechanic or be located on the top or side of the
technician. The cartridge housing had to engine compartment making them
be thoroughly cleaned, which in some accessible from above without the need
cases required removal of the housing. to raise the vehicle.
On many applications there were Today's cartridge style filter housings
various internal housing components are designed with a screw-on type cap
that also had to be cleaned and properly and a single housing sealing gasket.
positioned when installing the new The housings are also self draining
cartridge. Due to variations in housing enabling the filter housing to be
designs, the installation of the filter and drained back into the engine prior to
proper placement of the housing sealing the filter change-out. After the housing
gasket also required various installation is drained the housing top is then
techniques. unscrewed and the used filter cartridge
The introduction of the spin-on filter in and housing sealing gasket removed
the mid 1950s solved many of the without any unnecessary oil leakage.
cartridge filter installation problems. It The new filter is then installed in the
made the changing of the oil and filter housing or fitted to the housing cap.
more user friendly and allowed many The new sealing gasket is installed
vehicle owners to assume the and the housing cap tightened per
responsibility of changing their own oil installation instructions. The used
and filters. However, changing a spin-on engine oil is then drained from the
oil filter today may still result in oil crankcase. New oil is added and the
leakage to the surrounding area and engine started to check for proper oil
onto the servicing technician. pressure or any possible oil leakage.
Space has become a premium in the The service is now complete.
engine compartment of today's There is also a variation to the
vehicles. As a result the oil filter can be complete cartridge replacement. The
very difficult to locate and change. In same style of housing is used but
the late 1980s European original instead of replacing the complete
equipment manufacturers began cartridge only the used pleated paper
reverting back to the cartridge style oil media pack and sealing gasket are
filter. We see this same trend replaced. The media pack end caps as
beginning to appear in our North we know them today would be
American produced vehicles. reusable and only the paper pack itself
This change from a spin-on filter to the would be replaced.
new cartridge filter offers several The cartridge style filter is back and will
advantages. The first and most obvious be the oil filter configuration of the future.
is filter disposal. The disposal cost of a Reprinted with permission from the Filter
cartridge filter is far less than that of a Manufacturers Council, Research
spin-on filter. This is also an attempt by Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709-
the individual OE manufacturers to 3966.
1301 / Auto Parts