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    Page 1299 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
    P. 1299
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for tractors


    Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors

               COOLING SYSTEMS
               The  following  chart  is  a  listing  of  the  six  most  common  problems  seen  in
               today’s cooling systems. Along with each problem is a description of how it
               occurs, how it affects your engine and most importantly, the cure.
                RUST *  Oxidation within the cooling  Clog the system. Cause  The inhibitors in a quality
                        system.          accelerated wear.  Supplemental Coolant
                                                           Additive prevent the oxidation
                                                           necessary for rust to occur.
                SCALE   Present in all tap water are  1. Clog system passages.  The Supplemental Coolant
                        salt minerals, especially  2. Deposit on high  Additive keeps salt
                        calcium and magnesium.  temperature areas and  minerals in suspension so
                        These minerals can solidify  reduce the heat transfer  they cannot deposit on
                        and adhere to hot metal  rate causing hot spots.  engine metal surfaces or
                        surfaces.          This results in uneven  clog passages.
                                           metal expansion,
                                           scuffing, scoring,
                                           accelerated ring wear
                                           and eventually, cracked
                                           heads and/or blocks.
                ACIDITY  1. Ethylene glycol antifreeze  Corrode iron, steel and  A quality Supplement
                         reacts with oxygen in the  aluminum.  Coolant Additive
                         air and forms acids.              neutralizes acids to prevent
                        2. A loose head gasket or          corrosion.
                         other leakage can allow
                         sulfuric acids formed by
                         the burning of fuel to leak
                         into the cooling system.
                PITTED  Constant vibration of the  Cause pits which can  The Supplemental Coolant
                CYLINDER  cylinder liner causes a  extend, over time, through  Additive coats the liner with
                LINER   momentary vacuum to form on  the thickness of the liner and  a thin film to protect it from
                        its surface. Coolant boils into  allow coolant to enter the  erosion without impeding
                        the vacuum and vapor  combustion chamber or  heat transfer.
                        bubbles implode on the  crankcase.
                        surfaces of the liner,
                        penetrating unprotected liners.
                FOAM    Foam - the aeration of  Adds to the cavitation  Today’s Supplemental
                        coolant - occurs from air  erosion problem, particularly  Coolant Additives have an
                        leakage into the system.  in the area of water pump  anti-foam agent to prevent
                                         impellers.        formation of air bubbles. This
                                                           foam prevention agent is
                                                           effective at all temperatures,
                                                           including startup.
                PITTED  Flow rates and turbulence  Causes loss of pump  The Supplemental Coolant
                WATER   are high at the impeller blade.  efficiency and total pump  Additives protect the impeller
                PUMP    This causes cavitation. In  failure.  from cavitation erosion and
                IMPELLERS  addition, there is a possibility  the filter holds particulate
                        that abrasive particles are        matter to reduce wear on
                        present in the system.             cooling system components.
               ✱  It should be noted that rust can appear even within a chemically protected system when
                oil is present in the coolant. If you do notice the presence of rust, the oil cooler should be
                inspected for possible leaks.
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