Page 1301 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
P. 1301
Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors
Spin-on filters are still the most popular multitude of thread sizes are used in
design for liquid filtration on internal spin-on filters. Both Metric and United
combustion engines. The spin-on National threads are widely used.
design offers an efficient, quick and Some of the Metric and United
clean method for servicing liquid filters. National threads are close in size to the
The spin-on is by far the preferred U.S. threads and a spin-on filter may
method of filter design on automobile “fit” a mounting base and yet have a
and mobile heavy-duty equipment. different thread than the base. The
Society of Automotive Engineers
Over the years, a proliferation of filter (SAE) has published a Recommended
sizes have evolved. These include Practice that identifies dimensional
length, diameter, sealing gasket characteristics and mounting
diameter and thread size variation.
configurations of filter base mountings.
The internal design of spin-on filters This Recommended Practice, SAE
also vary. Some designs utilize
J363, lists the thread sizes of the more
internal by-pass valves and/or anti- commonly used spin-on filters and
drainback valves. Filtration media
their recommended application.
used in different models also vary
depending on different service and Other considerations of mis-
engine requirements. Operating application include getting the wrong
pressure requirements can also combination of by-pass settings, anti-
differ from model to model. drainback valves, filterability
characteristics, operating pressure,
With all the different spin-on filter sealing gasket diameter, interference
models available in the market today, and by-pass valve elimination. Failure
the user must use extreme caution not to use the filter recommended by the
to use a wrong filter for his/her filter manufacturer could interfere with
particular application. There are filters proper engine protection.
that look alike and may even fit
different engine mounting bases with Filter design and application is a
the same thread size. However, this complex process requiring the proper
does not constitute or guarantee that order of components. Don’t take the
the correct filter is being used. chance of altering this order which
Misapplication problems could be very would result in equipment damage or
serious. Wrong thread size is one of hazardous operation. The key to
the common mistakes. Failure to use eliminating these problems is
the recommended filter with the correct application. Be sure that the source
thread size could result in improper of recommended application is a
mating of filter to mounting base. A correct one. Filter manufacturer’s
loose thread fit may cause a leak, catalog application recommendations
fatigue failure or loss of filter. Any of should be followed.
these cases can cause engine
damage or fire. A “tight” thread fit can When it comes to choosing the
cause leakage, thread seizure or cross correct filter, one can’t rely on cross-
threading, resulting in damage to the reference, “fit” or “feel.” Be sure that
engine mounting base and filter. A the spin-on filter application is correct.
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