Page 18 - Catalog spare parts NGK for cars
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Page 18 - Catalog spare parts NGK for cars
Auto Parts / LPG LaserLine –
Top technology for gas operated engines
1. High-tech electrodes 4. Heat shield for the housing
LPG LaserLine spark plugs have A special alloy coating covers the
an iridium-tipped centre electrode housing of every LPG LaserLine Platinum
and a shell electrode with a spark plug, protecting it from the Iridium
platinum chip. These precious higher temperatures and the
metal chips are attached in a increased risk of corrosion. No
specially developed laser welding other manufacturer currently
process patented by NGK. The offers a similar coating.
advantage: the precious metals
are resistant to the unfavorable 5. Relief for the ignition coils
conditions in gas operated Studies conducted by NGK show
engines. The spark gap remains that the required ignition voltage
virtually in gas operated engines increases
The iridium-tipped center electrode and
the same throughout the entire by as much as 7,000 volts – an the platinum chip in the shell electrode –
performance range. acid test for the ignition coils. The both laser-welded – provide for maximum
resistance and reliable ignition – throughout the
iridium center electrode of an LPG entire performance range.
2. Individual spark gap LaserLine
The ideal gap between the center spark plug, only 0.6 mm in
electrode and shell electrode diameter, provides a counter
of every LPG LaserLine type is measure, since
preset for gas operated engines. it requires very low ignition
Manual adjustment is no longer voltage. The shape of the
necessary. electrode also facilitates optimum
advance of the flame front.
3. Optimum thermal properties
A copper core in the shell
electrode of every LPG LaserLine
spark plug improves the
temperature discharge, which
helps to regulate the higher
temperatures in gas operated
engines. Design properties
protect these spark plugs even
better against fouling.
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