Page 14 - Catalog spare parts NGK for cars
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Page 14 - Catalog spare parts NGK for cars
Auto Parts / V-Line No. 30
This is the long-life spark plug accumulated here are removed
BKR6EQUP developed in close immediately, reliably preventing
cooperation between BMW and any misfiring. This therefore
NGK, which is equipped with a guarantees optimum cold start
platinum middle electrode and behaviour at very low
4 earth electrodes together with temperatures and greatest ignition
state-of-the-art semi-surface gap reliability even when the vehicle is
spark plug. only driven for extremely short
The semi-surface gap spark plug distances.
requires a special design of the This new type of NGK spark plug is
insulator tip. This ensures that the fitted in BMW engines from model
V-Line No. 30 ignition spark always only jumps year 1997. Retrospective approval
between the electrodes which has also been given for certain
offer the most favourable older BMW vehicles from model
conditions for reliable ignition of year 1987.
the fuel/air mixture.
In view of the fact that the ignition
spark slides over the insulator tip
first before it can jump over the air
gap between insulator tip and
earth electrode, any deposits
V-Line No. 31, 34, 37
NGK has developed the double good idle stability. Better
platinum spark plug PTR5D-10 for combustion also results in
FORD models powered by improved acceleration and lower
ENDURA engines (V-Line No. 31). emissions.
The benefit of the platinum
electrodes is to lower the required
ignition voltage. As a result it is
possible to increase the gap
between the electrodes to
improve combustion and give
V-Line No. 31, 34, 37
NGK ”V“ grooved Spark Plug Conventional NGK Spark Plug
Ground electrode Ground electrode
V-groove ➔ ➔ Spark ➔
Centre electrode Centre electrode
GB 12