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    Page 17 - Catalog spare parts NGK for cars

    Auto Parts / LPG LaserLine –
                   the best for gas operated engines
                   LPG LaserLine gives retailers     Choosing the right spark plug in  from standard spark plugs to
                   and repair shops a product line   the past involved many factors,   precious metal spark plugs with a
                   with spark plugs developed        which often meant extra work.     different heat range and to adjust
                   especially for gas operated       Because the combustion of  gas    the spark gap, in some cases.
                   engines. For both retailers and   is very different from the
                   repair shops this makes             combustion of gasoline: the     But now there is a better
                   conversion and servicing not      gas/air mixture is                alternative:
                   only easier, but also more        more difficult to ignite. The     special LPG LaserLine spark
                   reliable.                         required ignition voltage         plugs. The product line covers
                                                       increases (see graph), together  more than 90 percent of
                   Drivers throughout Europe who     with the risk of  failure for the  conversion-capable automobiles
                   convert their cars to gas operation  ignition coils. Also, the gas/air  in Europe and as many as
                   benefit from substantially lower  mixture burns at a higher         97 percent in some countries.
                   fuel  prices, due to the lower taxes  temperature.                  Therefore, LPG LaserLine is the
                   on gas. The  number of                                              ideal spark plug for practically
                   conversions is increasing from    Conventional electrode and        every European car
                   year to year. Retailers and repair  housing materials corrode more  that is converted.
                   shops can profit from this        quickly in this environment, and
                    development.                     the spark plug also has to
                                                     dissipate more heat. Until now,
                                                     the best solution was to change
                   Required ignition voltage increases in gas operated engines
                      35                    Conventional platinum spark plug
                    Required ignition voltage (kV)  25
                       0 5
                       1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000
                                      Engine speed (RPM)
                    Super gasoline:  Spark gap 0.80 mm
                    Liquid gas (LPG):  Spark gap 0.80 mm
                                                            GB   15
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