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    Page 21 - Catalog spare parts NGK for cars

    Auto Parts / Ceramic glow plugs
                   As opposed to a metal rod glow    The NHTC ceramic glow plug was    The answer: many things “can” be
                   plug, the heating coil of a ceramic  specially developed by NGK to  done, of course. The question is,
                   glow plug has an especially high  enable automobile manufacturers   what risk is involved. In cars that
                   melting point. It is also sheathed  to comply with the Euro 4 and   have NGK ceramic glow plugs
                   in silicon nitrite, an extremely  Euro 5 emissions standards. One   installed at the factory, only NGK
                   rugged ceramic material. The      of the goals of these standards is  ceramic glow plugs should be
                   combination of the heating coil   to reduce the compression ratio in  used when it comes time to
                   and ceramic sheath enable higher  diesel engines. NHTC glow plugs   replace the glow plugs.
                   temperatures and extremely        reach a temperature of 1,000 °C   The reason: These glow plugs
                   short preheating times due to     in less than two seconds and      were developed in-house for the
                   excellent thermal conductivity.   can after-glow   for more than    respective engines. Ceramic glow
                   Also, ceramic glow plugs have     ten minutes at temperatures       plugs from NGK guarantee a long
                   a more compact design. This       of up to 1,350 °C. Optimal        service life and ensure a reliable
                   is important, because there       combustion is assured even        and fast ignition, even at the
                   is very little free space in      with low compression ratios. In   lowest outside temperatures.
                   today’s engines. In an SRC        addition, the NHTC glow plug      At the same time, they reduce
                   (Self Regulating Ceramic) glow    can glow intermediately to        harmful emissions. Although they
                   plug the heating element is       prevent cooling of the particle   at first appear to be somewhat
                   made of ceramic with a sintered   filter in deceleration phases.    more expensive than metal glow
                   metal heating coil. An HTC                                          plugs, one should consider the
                   (High Temperature Ceramic) or     Ceramic glow plugs:               following: Metal glow plugs can
                   NHTC (New High Temperature        the technical optimum             make it difficult to start a car at
                   Ceramic) glow plug has a heating  For more than 20 years            extremely cold sub-zero
                   element and a heater made         automobile manufacturers have     temperatures.
                   of ceramic.                       been using NGK glow plugs as
                                                     standard equipment. But can       Tip!
                                                     these glow plugs be replaced with  When changing to metal glow
                                                     comparatively less expensive      plugs, all of the glow plugs have
                                                     metal glow plugs?                 to be replaced, including those
                                                                                       that are intact.
                                                            GB   19
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