Page 127 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for trucks
P. 127
Catalog Baldwinfilters for trucks
Auto Parts / Product
Procedure for Service Engineering
Product Investigation
This procedure outlines the steps 5. Send copies of any repair bills.
necessary for Baldwin Filters Service 6. Send the entire suspect filter,
Engineering to complete an investigation including the gaskets.
of product from the field. The steps of this
procedure are necessary to provide the If the investigation is being requested for
most accurate and timely investigation warranty consideration, repair bills (not
possible. estimates) should also accompany the
request. Damaged equipment components
If a filter is suspected of causing a failure, such as bearings, liners, etc. should be
don’t throw away the evidence. Instead, in retained by the customer for possible
order to process a warranty claim, follow examination by Service Engineering.
the Product Investigation Procedure . . .
Filter products are NOT to be cut open or
1. Complete a Field Report Form otherwise tampered with. This may
(Form 387) (See Next Page). prevent objective analysis and testing,
Describe the events on a and may void the warranty.
separate sheet.
2. Obtain a sample of oil, fuel or Notice of damages and claims should be
coolant in the system at the time made immediately when the damage
of the failure. occurs. Every claim will receive careful and
objective consideration. If a Baldwin product
3. Save damaged parts for is proven to have caused damage, Baldwin
evidence of the claimed damage.
will pay the cost required to repair the
4. For an air filter, cover the open equipment to its condition at the time the
ends with tape to prevent dust failure occurred. Liability payment will not
from entering the element during include consequential damages such as
shipping. downtime, motel bills, etc.
If you have any questions regarding this procedure, or any product
investigation, please contact our Service Engineering Team at
(308) 237-9729
125 / Auto Parts