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                                                                                                 LIQUID FILTRATION
                    Using Donaldson Fuel Filters                       Don’t Retighten a Lube Filter
                    with Biodiesel                                     Once it Has Been Installed
                                                                                                        To avoid cross-
                                                                                                        threading DO
                                                                                                        NOT OVER
                                                                                                        TIGHTEN OR
                                                                                                        RETIGHTEN a      Filter Performance Alternatives
                                                                                                        fi lter.
                    Donaldson fuel filtration products are compatible
                    with OEM approved grades ASTM D 6571 Biodiesel
                    and ULSD fuels.                                    Follow These Installation Instruction for
                                                                       Spin-On Engine Lube Filters
                                                                       The spin-on engine lube filter is a commonly serviced
                    Biodiesel is an alternative fuel that is rapidly growing in
                    use. However, biodiesel received a bad reputation after the   component on your vehicle. To insure normal oil filter service life
                    problems that occurred in 2005 when some states mandated   and to prevent oil leakage or possible internal engine damage,
                    the use of B2 biodiesel blend. One of the problems was a   the following procedure should be followed when replacing
                    very short fuel filter life. Further research revealed that the   spin-on engine lube filters.         Shoptalk
                    problems encountered were due to the use of biodiesel   1.   Open hood, remove the oil fill cap and place cap on air filter
                    that did not meet ASTM D 6751 specifications. The use   cover or any other flat visible surface. (This will serve as a
                                                                          reminder that oil has not been added to the crankcase).
                    of biodiesel that does not meet these specifications may
                    cause problems within a fuel system.                2.   Remove the oil drain plug(s), drain the oil and reinstall/replace
                                                                          the drain plug(s). If drain plug(s) has a crush ring or gasket,
                    Filter Plugging                                       check for damage. If damaged, replace the ring or gasket.
                    Filter plugging problems can be prevented by effectively   3.   Remove the oil filter using an oil filter wrench, if necessary.
                    cleaning storage tanks before introducing biodiesel.
                    Filter plugging can also be minimized by using low blends   4.   Clean mounting base, making sure the old oil filter gasket is
                    of biodiesel and/or ensuring the biodiesel that you are   not stuck to the base. Apply a light film of clean oil to the new
                    using is from a quality source meeting the ASTM D 6751   filter gasket. Note: Never use grease to lubricate the gasket.
                    specifi cations. BQ-9000  is a quality certifi cation for   5.   Screw the new filter on carefully, avoiding cross-threading.
                    biodiesel suppliers who provide quality biodiesel meeting   On turbocharged engines, it may be necessary to fill the
                    the ASTM D 6751 specification.                         filter with clean engine oil prior to installation. Check
                                                                          engine manufacturer’s recommendations. After the sealing
                                                                          gasket contacts the mounting base, tighten the filter per the   Filter Maintenance Kits
                    Using High Blends of Biodiesel                        instructions found on the filter or filter box. DO NOT OVER
                    Filters that are used in special applications using high   TIGHTEN.
                    blends of biodiesel and those near B100 or unblended B100,
                    should use solvent resistant sealing materials. Continued   6.   Fill the crankcase to the recommended level with oil as per the
                    use of standard sealing materials commonly found on   manufacturer’s specifications and install the oil fill cap. Start
                                                                          the engine and insure that the engine oil pressure light goes
                    popular fuel filters could result in deterioration or swelling   out or the oil pressure comes up to normal on the oil pressure
                    of the material, which may cause leaks.               gauge.
                    Biodiesel, n. - a fuel comprised of mono-alkyl esters of long   7.   Turn off the engine and check the dipstick reading per vehicle
                    chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats,   manufacturer’s instructions. Add additional oil to engine, if
                    designated B100, and meeting the requirements of ASTM D
                    6751.                                               8.   Start the engine and check for oil leakage around the oil filter
                                                                          and drain plug.
                    Biodiesel blend, n. - a blend of biodiesel meeting ASTM   9.   Turn off the engine and close the hood.
                    D 6751 with petroleum-based diesel fuel designated BXX,
                    where XX is the volume percent of biodiesel.        10.   Check local, state and federal regulations for the proper   Liquid Filtration Heads & Filters
                                                                          disposal of your used oil and filters.
                            More information on ULSD or Biodiesel can be
                                  found at                     More information is available through the
                                                                                   Filters Manufacturers Council at:
                                           Ref: Shoptalk Card F115248                         Ref: Shoptalk Card F115278
                                                                                                                    19 / Auto Parts
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