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    Auto Parts / Shoptalk
                                                                                                 LIQUID FILTRATION
                                                                       We Set the Standard for
                   Filter Recycling                                    Liquid Filtration Performance
                   Donaldson encourages all individuals and
                   businesses to recycle their used oil filters.
                   Recycling used oil filters helps divert waste from                                                     Filter Performance Alternatives
                   landfills while providing a valuable resource
                   for recycling. We encourage you to check your
                   local disposal regulations for proper disposal
                   and recycling.
                   Industry Resource:                                    When you are looking for improved performance,
                   The Filter Manufacturers                              look for Donaldson lube, fuel and hydraulic filters with
                                                                         synthetic media – they are easy to spot; they carry our
                   Council                                               Synteq  brand name!
                                                                      Synteq for Lube Filtration
                    Established in 1971, the Filter Manufacturers     When an application requires higher efficiency filtration
                    Council represents North American                 than cellulose filter media can deliver, we use Synteq.   Shoptalk
                    manufacturers of vehicular and industrial         Synteq captures more and smaller contaminant than
                    filtration products. Initially developed to monitor
                    regulatory and technological developments
                    that affect the industry, the Council has since
                    expanded its activities substantially.
                                                                         The microscopic photo of our Synteq lube fi lter media
                                                                         shows the consistency in fiber size and composition. The
                                                                         black circle in the picture above represents the diameter
                                                                         of a 20 micron particle easily captured by the media.
                                                                      Synteq for Fuel Filtration                         Filter Maintenance Kits
                                                                      Our newest filter media technology is specifically designed
                                                                      to remove water and contaminant from the fuel system.
                                                                      Synteq can be used with other technologies like our
                                                                      Twist&Drain  valve.
                    The Council has undertaken several
                    environmental initiatives including partnering
                    with states to promote the proper management
                    of used oil filters. In addition, the operation
                    of the hotline and web site provide valuable
                                                                          The photo above highlights the layers of our Synteq
                    information regarding state regulations and           Fuel filter media. The middle layer is the key to   Liquid Filtration Heads & Filters
                    companies that transport, process and recycle         delivering maximum filtration capacity and optimum
                                                                          water separation. The middle layers is designed
                    used oil filters.                                      to capture progressively finer contaminant. In
                                                                          comparison to silicone treated cellulose media,
                                                                          Synteq media technology collects a greater amount
                    Donaldson Company is a member of the Filter           of emulsifi ed water.
                    Manufacturers Council.                                                    Ref: Shoptalk Card F115220
                                                                                                                    15 / Auto Parts
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