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    Auto Parts / Shoptalk
                                                                                                 LIQUID FILTRATION
                                                                                 Watch Out for Dents on
                                                                                 Liquid Filters!
                   Test Kits for                   Oil Sampling
                   Hydraulic Oil                   Accessories
                   Our basic hydraulic oil kit reports   These accessories can simplify
                   TAN (total acid number), water in   your oil analysis during the                                      Filter Performance Alternatives
                   PPM and ISO particle count.     normal maintenance routines.
                                                       • plastic tubing (P176433)
                   Hydraulic Oil Test Kit              • sampling pump (P176431)
                                                       • quick sampling valve (P563212)
                   1- Basic Use Kit X007374
                   2- Correct Drain and ISO use Kit X007377
                                        1   2
                      Metals, ppm by wt
                      Viscosity, cSt.                                            Once the steel filter canister is dented,
                      Water %                                                    a concentration of stress in the canister
                                                                                 material is created, making the canister more
                      TAN (Total Acid #)                                         susceptible to fatigue.
                      Water, ppm
                                                                                 Dents May Cause Cracks
                      ISO Particle Count                                         Cracked filters can be caused by dents
                                                                                 made during improper installation of liquid   Shoptalk
                                                                                 filters. Filters that are dented prior to or
                                                                                 during installation should not be used. Filters
                                                                                 dented after installation should be replaced
                                                     Sampling Pump (P176431) &
                                                     Plastic Tubing (sold separately   immediately. The cost of replacing a dented filter
                                                     in 100 ft. rolls)           is much less than the cost of the damages that
                                                                                 could result from a dented filter that fails during
                                                                                 The fatigue to filters results from the pressure
                                                                                 pulses within the system. The pressure is
                                                                                 regulated by a pressure regulating valve. This
                                                                                 valve is spring operated and intermittently opens
                                                                                 and closes to regulate the pressure. Once the
                                                                                 pressure exceeds the setting of the spring in the
                    Kit  X007377  for basic hydraulic oil analysis               regulating valve, the valve will open and relieve
                                                                                 pressure until the spring can expand and close   Filter Maintenance Kits
                    Recommended Sampling Interval                                the valve. This function is repeated continuously
                                                                                 during the operation of the system, creating
                                                                                 a pulsing effect. The canister of the filters is
                    Marine Engines
                                                                                 subjected to the same pulsation. However, unlike
                    Main          250 hours / monthly
                                                                                 the spring in the pressure regulating valve, the
                    Support     150 hours / oil change                           canister material is susceptible to failure after
                    Non-Engines   500 hours / monthly                            such fatigue.
                                                     Quick Sampling Metal Valve
                                                     for test point. 1/8" NPT    Filters are designed with a low carbon steel
                    Industrial / Stationary          (P563212)                   to resist fatigue and are formed so the stress
                    Diesel Engines    500 hours / monthly  Working Pressure      created by the pulses in the system are
                                                     5800 psi / 400 bar
                    Nat Gas Engines   500 hours / monthly                        equalized over the surface area of the canister.
                                                                                 A dent provides an area of stress concentration
                    Gas Turbines   250 hours / monthly
                                                                                 where pressure pulses can greatly shorten the
                    Compressors   250 hours / monthly
                                                                                 fatigue life of the canister.
                    Steam Turbines   250 hours / monthly
                    Geared Drives   500 hours / monthly                          If you receive filters that were dented prior
                    Bearings      500 hours / monthly                            to your receipt, you should contact customer   Liquid Filtration Heads & Filters
                                                                                 support at 800-374-1374 for corrective action.
                    Hydraulics    500 hours / monthly
                                                                                     More information is available through the
                                                                                        Filter Manufacturers Council at:
                                                                                              Ref: Shoptalk Card F115275
                                                                                                                    17 / Auto Parts
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