Page 727 - Catalog cross-references filters BALDWIN
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Catalog Baldwinfilters cross-references
Auto Parts / N u m b e r Baldwin Code N u m b e r Baldwin Code N u m b e r Baldwin Code N u m b e r Baldwin Code N u m b e r Baldwin Code
LAF4505MXM ...................... CHP LAF4816 ............................... CHP LAF5128 ............................... CHP LAF5519 ............ PA2589-FN LUF LAF5829 .................. PA2480 LUF
Standard RS3510 Standard RS3539 Standard Media RS5287 LAF5526 .................. PA2362 LUF LAF5830 .................. PA2600 CHP
Upgrade RS3510XP Upgrade RS3539XP Upgrade RS5287XP LAF5562 .................. PA2579 BWS LAF5830 .................. PA2600 LUF
LAF4505MXM ...................... LUF LAF4816 ............................... LUF LAF5128 ............................... LUF LAF5562 .................. PA2579 LUF LAF5831 .................. PA2692 LUF
Standard RS3510 Standard RS3539 Standard Media RS5287 LAF5568 .................. RS4989 LUF LAF5832 .................. PA2775 CHP
Upgrade RS3510XP Upgrade RS3539XP Upgrade RS5287XP LAF5569 .................. RS4629 LUF LAF5832 .................. PA2775 LUF
LAF4506 .................. RS3511 LUF LAF488 .................... PA1600 CHP LAF5128MXM ...................... CHP LAF5572 .................. PA2904 LUF LAF5833 .................. PA2833 CHP
LAF4507 .................. RS3512 CHP LAF488 .................... PA1600 LUF RS30187XP LAF5573 .................. PA1657 LUF LAF5833 .................. PA2833 LUF
LAF4507 .................. RS3512 LUF LAF4909 ............ PA1956-FN LUF LAF5128MXM ...................... LUF LAF558 .................... PA2596 BWS LAF5834 .................. PA2834 CHP
LAF4508 .................. RS3513 LUF LAF4986 .................. PA1823 LUF RS30187XP LAF558 .................... PA2596 CHP LAF5834 .................. PA2834 LUF
LAF4509 ............................... CHP LAF5 .......................... PA602 LUF LAF5154 .................. PA2407 BWS LAF558 .................... PA2596 LUF LAF5835 .................. PA2861 CHP
Standard RS3514 LAF50 ...................... PA1607 LUF LAF5154 .................. PA2407 CHP LAF559 .................... PA2599 LUF LAF5835 .................. PA2861 LUF
Upgrade RS3514XP LAF5001 .................. PA1916 LUF LAF5154 .................. PA2407 LUF LAF5598 .................. PA2884 LUF LAF5836 .................. PA3408 CHP
LAF4509 ............................... LUF LAF500HD ................. PA616 LUF LAF519 .................... PA2350 BWS LAF5614 .................. RS4963 LUF LAF5836 .................. PA3408 LUF
Standard RS3514 LAF5022 ............................... LUF LAF519 .................... PA2350 CHP LAF5615 .................. RS4549 LUF LAF5837 ........... RS30222XP CHP
Upgrade RS3514XP Standard RS3700 LAF519 .................... PA2350 LUF LAF562 .................... PA2330 BWS LAF5837 ........... RS30222XP LUF
LAF4510 .................. RS3515 LUF Upgrade RS3700XP LAF519D ..................PA2375 BWS LAF562 .................... PA2330 CHP LAF5838 .................. PA3780 LUF
LAF4511 .................. PA2827 LUF LAF5023 .................. PA3957 LUF LAF519D ..................PA2375 CHP LAF562 .................... PA2330 LUF LAF5842 .................. PA2704 BWS
LAF4512 .................. PA2222 LUF LAF5024 .................. PA4552 LUF LAF519D ..................PA2375 LUF LAF5633 .................. RS5434 CHP LAF5842 .................. PA2704 LUF
LAF4514 .................. PA3979 CHAM LAF5026 .................. PA2844 LUF LAF52 ...................... PA2005 LUF LAF5633 .................. RS5434 LUF LAF5844 .................. RS3547 CHP
LAF4514 .................. PA3979 CHP LAF5028 .................. PA4390 CHP LAF5225 ............ PA1676-FN LUF LAF5704 .................. RS4562 LUF LAF5844 .................. RS3547 LUF
LAF4514 .................. PA3979 LUF LAF5028 .................. PA4390 LUF LAF5228 .................. PA2849 LUF LAF5716 ................ PA30053 LUF LAF5846 .................. PA3838 LUF
LAF4526 .................. RS4578 LUF LAF503 .................... PA1967 BWS LAF523 .................... PA2668 CHP LAF5717 ............................... LUF LAF5847 .................. RS3722 CHP
LAF4544 .................. RS3544 CHP LAF503 .................... PA1967 LUF LAF523 .................... PA2668 LUF Standard RS3518 LAF5847 .................. RS3722 LUF
LAF4544 .................. RS3544 LUF LAF5035 ............ PA2961-FN LUF LAF5238 .................. PA3767 LUF Upgrade RS3518XP LAF5852 ............ PA3472-FN CHP
LAF4545 .................. RS3545 CHP LAF5042 ............ PA3608-FN LUF LAF5254 .................. PA1831 LUF LAF5720 .................. RS3531 LUF LAF5852 ............ PA3472-FN LUF
LAF4545 .................. RS3545 LUF LAF5043 ............ PA1753-FN LUF LAF5255 ............ PA1676-FN BWS LAF5722 .................. RS3740 LUF LAF586 .................... PA2472 BWS
LAF4556 ............................... CHP LAF5043A .......... PA1753-FN LUF LAF5255 ............ PA1676-FN CHP LAF5725 .................. RS3741 CHP LAF586 .................... PA2472 CHP
Standard Media RS5287 LAF5043B .......... PA1753-FN LUF LAF5255 ............ PA1676-FN LUF LAF5725 .................. RS3741 LUF LAF586 .................... PA2472 LUF
Upgrade RS5287XP LAF5044 ................ RS30180 CHP LAF5268 ................ PA10096 CHP LAF5732 .................. RS3541 CHP LAF5861 ............ PA3910-FN LUF
LAF4556 ............................... LUF LAF5044 ................ RS30180 LUF LAF5268 ................ PA10096 LUF LAF5732 .................. RS3541 LUF LAF5862 .................. PA3911 LUF
Standard Media RS5287 LAF5050 .................. RS5435 LUF LAF528 .................... PA2444 BWS LAF5733 .................. RS3540 LUF LAF5863 .................. PA3670 LUF
Upgrade RS5287XP LAF5054 ............ PA1794-FN LUF LAF528 .................... PA2444 CHP LAF5736 .................. RS5483 LUF LAF5864 .................. PA3891 LUF
LAF4556MXM ...................... LUF LAF5054A .......... PA1794-FN BWS LAF528 .................... PA2444 LUF LAF5743 .................. PA3558 LUF LAF5866 .................. PA3613 LUF
Standard Media RS5287 LAF5054A .......... PA1794-FN CHP LAF528D ..................PA2564 LUF LAF5744 .................. PA3566 LUF LAF5867 ............................... LUF
Upgrade RS5287XP LAF5054A .......... PA1794-FN LUF LAF5298 .................. CA4703 LUF LAF5749 .................. RS3991 LUF Standard PA1886
LAF4557 .................. PA2854 LUF LAF5054B .......... PA1794-FN LUF LAF53 ...................... PA2002 LUF LAF575 .................... PA2376 CHP Upgrade PA1886XP
LAF4575 .................. PA2703 LUF LAF506 .............. PA1922-FN BWS LAF5300 .................. PA5300 LUF LAF575 .................... PA2376 LUF LAF5868 .................. RS3737 CHP
LAF4595 .................. PA1976 LUF LAF506 .............. PA1922-FN CHP LAF5314 .................. PA5314 LUF LAF5750 .................. PA3636 LUF LAF5868 .................. RS3737 LUF
LAF4599 .................. RS5342 LUF LAF506 .............. PA1922-FN LUF LAF5325 .................. RS5325 LUF LAF5755 .................. PA4603 LUF LAF5871 .................. RS3738 CHP
LAF46 ...................... PA1670 CHP LAF5069 ............................... BWS LAF53251 ................ RS5325 LUF LAF5756 .................. PA4987 LUF LAF5871 .................. RS3738 LUF
LAF46 ...................... PA1670 LUF Standard PA2363 LAF5343 .................. PA2626 BWS LAF5757 .................. PA2643 BWS LAF5872 .................. RS3739 CHP
LAF4601 .................. RS3994 LUF Upgrade PA2363XP LAF5343 .................. PA2626 CHP LAF5757 .................. PA2643 LUF LAF5872 .................. RS3739 LUF
LAF4602 .................. RS3995 LUF LAF5069 ............................... CHP LAF5343 .................. PA2626 LUF LAF5759 .................. PA4602 LUF LAF5873 ............................... CHP
LAF4607 .................. PA1867 CHP Standard PA2363 LAF5354 .................. RS5354 LUF LAF5761 .................. RS3538 CHP Standard Media RS3750
LAF4607 .................. PA1867 LUF Upgrade PA2363XP LAF5360 .................. PA3908 LUF LAF5761 .................. RS3538 LUF Upgrade RS3750XP
LAF4618 .................. RS4618 LUF LAF5069 ............................... LUF LAF5361 .................. PA1986 LUF LAF5762 .................. RS3535 CHP LAF5873 ............................... LUF
LAF4620 .................. RS4620 LUF Standard PA2363 LAF5361A ........ PA1986-K + LUF LAF5762 .................. RS3535 LUF Standard Media RS3750
LAF4621 .................. RS4621 LUF Upgrade PA2363XP LAF5368 ............ PA1822-FN CHP LAF5764 .................. RS5347 LUF Upgrade RS3750XP
LAF4629 .................. RS5273 LUF LAF5069MXM ...........LL2363 CHP LAF5368 ............ PA1822-FN LUF LAF5765 .................. RS3733 LUF LAF5876 .................. PA1821 LUF
LAF4631 .................. PA3469 LUF LAF5069MXM ...........LL2363 LUF LAF54 ...................... PA1802 LUF LAF5770 .................. RS3710 CHP LAF5878 ............ PA3808-FN CHP
LAF4638 .................. RS4638 LUF LAF5069XL ...............LL2363 CHP LAF5416 ................ PA30207 LUF LAF5770 .................. RS3710 LUF LAF5878 ............ PA3808-FN LUF
LAF466 .................... PA2552 CHP LAF5069XL ...............LL2363 LUF LAF5427 .................. PA3844 LUF LAF5771 .................. RS3990 LUF LAF588 .................... PA2116 BWS
LAF466 .................... PA2552 LUF LAF506A ............ PA1922-FN LUF LAF5429 .................. RS5782 LUF LAF5773 .................. PA4773 LUF LAF588 .................... PA2116 CHP
LAF47 .......Standard PA1615 BWS LAF5070 .................. PA2364 CHP LAF543 .................... PA1663 LUF LAF5781 .................. PA4885 LUF LAF588 .................... PA2116 LUF
Upgrade PA1615XP LAF5070 .................. PA2364 LUF LAF5430 .................. RS5783 LUF LAF5782 .................. PA3906 LUF LAF5884 .................. PA3668 LUF
LAF47 .......Standard PA1615 CHP LAF5079 ............................... LUF LAF5439 .................. RS3729 LUF LAF5783 .................. RS3731 LUF LAF5888 ............................... LUF
Upgrade PA1615XP Standard PA2363 LAF544 .................... PA1664 LUF LAF5785 ............ PA3852-FN LUF Standard PA2676
LAF47 .......Standard PA1615 LUF Upgrade PA2363XP LAF5452 .................. PA3633 LUF LAF5786 .................. PA2481 LUF Upgrade PA2676XP
Upgrade PA1615XP LAF5081 .................. PA3904 CHP LAF5452W ........................... LUF LAF5789 ................ PA30066 CHP LAF5889 .................. PA3415 LUF
LAF4712 .................. PA5584 CHP LAF5081 .................. PA3904 LUF PA3633 FOAM LAF5789 ................ PA30066 LUF LAF5890 .................. PA3416 LUF
LAF4712 .................. PA5584 LUF LAF5082 .................. PA3905 LUF LAF5453 .................. CA4702 LUF LAF5796 ................ PA30029 LUF LAF5891 ............ PA3875-FN LUF
LAF4714 .................. PA1765 BWS LAF511 .............. PA1892-FN CHP LAF5454 .................. PA4704 LUF LAF5799 ................ PA30050 LUF LAF5897 ................ RS30182 LUF
Not for Use as Cab Air LAF511 .............. PA1892-FN LUF LAF5474 .................. RS4994 LUF LAF5801 ................ PA10318 LUF LAF5900 .................. PA1987 LUF
LAF4714 .................. PA1765 CHP LAF5114 .................. RS4634 CHP LAF5475 .................. RS4995 LUF LAF5802 .................. PA3901 LUF LAF5900A ........ PA2379-K + LUF
Not for Use as Cab Air LAF5114 .................. RS4634 LUF LAF5482 .................. PA5482 LUF LAF5807 .................. PA2815 LUF LAF5910 ................ PA30235 LUF
LAF4714 .................. PA1765 LUF LAF5114MXM ...................... CHP LAF5505 ............ PA2657-FN LUF LAF5810 .................. PA3643 LUF LAF5927 .................. PA4860 LUF
Not for Use as Cab Air RS4634XP LAF5505A .......... PA2657-FN LUF LAF5811 .................. PA3768 LUF LAF5929 ................ RS30120 LUF
LAF4738 .................. PA2755 LUF LAF5114MXM ...................... LUF LAF5505B .......... PA1667-FN LUF LAF5813 .................. PA3796 LUF LAF5932 .................. RS3885 CHP
LAF4747 ............ PA1753-FN LUF RS4634XP LAF5516 .................. PA2523 LUF LAF5818 .................. PA3877 LUF LAF5932 .................. RS3885 LUF
LAF4759 .................. PA2649 LUF LAF511A ............ PA1892-FN LUF LAF5518 ............................... BWS LAF5819 .................. PA3886 LUF LAF5933 .................. PA2816 LUF
LAF48 ...................... PA1647 BWS LAF511B ............ PA1892-FN LUF Standard PA2361 LAF5820 .................. PA3900 LUF LAF5934 .................. CA5450 LUF
LAF48 ...................... PA1647 CHP LAF512 .................... PA2450 BWS Upgrade PA2361XP LAF5821 .................. PA3878 LUF LAF5938 .................. PA5451 LUF
LAF48 ...................... PA1647 LUF LAF512 .................... PA2450 CHP LAF5518 ............................... LUF LAF5827 .................. PA1832 CHP LAF5941 .................. PA1825 LUF
LAF480 .................... PA1783 BWS LAF512 .................... PA2450 LUF Standard PA2361 LAF5827 .................. PA1832 LUF LAF5959 .................. RS5627 LUF
LAF480 .................... PA1783 CHP Upgrade PA2361XP LAF5962 .................. RS4993 CHP
LAF480 .................... PA1783 LUF LAF5962 .................. RS4993 LUF
+ See Product Guide for Variations of This Number.
90 Obsolete Pending.
CAUTION: For general references only. Check catalog for correct filter application. Any use of this interchange to determine filter application is done at the installers risk.
WARNING: These products can expose you to chemicals, including Diisononyl Phthalate, Carbon black extracts, Nickel, 1,3 Butadiene, Ethylene Oxide,
Epichlorohydrin, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer, and Bisphenol, Ethylene Glycol, Ethylene Oxide, 1,3 Butadiene, Epichlorohydrin,
which are known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to
725 / Auto Parts