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    Page 724 - Catalog cross-references filters BALDWIN
    P. 724
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for trucks and technics


    Catalog Baldwinfilters cross-references

    Auto Parts / N u m b e r  Baldwin  Code   N u m b e r  Baldwin  Code   N u m b e r  Baldwin  Code   N u m b e r  Baldwin  Code   N u m b e r  Baldwin  Code
                  LA99 ........................ PA3414 MAHL LAF1275 ............ PA1690-FN  CHP LAF1532 .................. PA2530  LUF LAF1734 ............ PA2380-FN  LUF LAF1793 .................. PA2489  LUF
                  LA991 ................ PA2488-FN  KRA LAF1275 ............ PA1690-FN  LUF LAF1533 .................. PA2529  BWS LAF1735 .................. PA2381  BWS LAF1794 .................. PA2401  LUF
                  LA991F .............. PA2488-FN  KRA LAF1275A .......... PA1690-FN  LUF LAF1533 .................. PA2529  CHP LAF1735 .................. PA2381  LUF LAF1796 .................. PA2318  LUF
                  LA992 ...................... PA2489  KRA LAF1275B .......... PA1690-FN  LUF LAF1533 .................. PA2529  LUF LAF1736 .................. PA2847  LUF LAF1797 .................. PA2572  LUF
                  LA993 .......Standard PA1884  KRA LAF130 .................... PA2313  CHP LAF1544 ............ PA2418-FN  BWS LAF174 .................... PA2024  LUF LAF1798 .................. PA3605  BWS
                      Upgrade PA1884XP  LAF130 .................... PA2313  LUF LAF1544 ............ PA2418-FN  LUF LAF1741 .................. PA2772  LUF LAF1798 .................. PA3605  LUF
                  LA994 ...................... PA1911  KRA LAF131 .................... PA1683  CHP LAF158 ...................... PA602  LUF LAF1742 ............ PA2800-FN  LUF LAF1799 .................. PA2875  LUF
                  LA998 ...................... PA2223  KRA LAF131 .................... PA1683  LUF LAF159 ...................... PA651  LUF LAF1743 .................. PA2757  BWS LAF1800 .................. PA2712  LUF
                  LA999 ...................... PA1860  KRA LAF132 ...................... PA658  LUF LAF1591 .................. PA2503  BWS LAF1743 .................. PA2757  LUF LAF1801 .................. PA2557  BWS
                  LAF0238 .................. PA2412  LUF LAF1324 .................. PA2392  LUF LAF1591 .................. PA2503  CHP LAF1745 .................. PA2751  LUF LAF1801 .................. PA2557  LUF
                  LAF1 .......................... PA612  LUF LAF133 .................... PA1735  LUF LAF1591 .................. PA2503  LUF LAF1747 .................. PA2707  BWS LAF1802 .................. PA2718  LUF
                  LAF100 .................... PA1602  LUF LAF1339 .................. PA2623  BWS LAF15F .........PA2554 FOAM  CHP LAF1747 .................. PA2707  LUF LAF1803 ..............BA3965(4)  BWS
                  LAF1004 .................. PA1618  BWS LAF1339 .................. PA2623  CHP LAF15F .........PA2554 FOAM  LUF LAF1748 .................. PA2787  LUF LAF1803 ..............BA3965(4)  LUF
                  LAF1004 .................. PA1618  LUF LAF1339 .................. PA2623  LUF LAF16 ........................ PA654  BWS LAF1749 .................. PA2786  CHP LAF1804 .................. PA2788  LUF
                  LAF1005 .................. PA1619  LUF LAF135 .................... PA1789  LUF LAF16 ........................ PA654  CHP LAF1749 .................. PA2786  LUF LAF1805 .................. PA2656  LUF
                  LAF1008 .................. PA1620  LUF LAF1351 .................. PA3944  BWS LAF16 ........................ PA654  LUF LAF1750 .................. PA2813  LUF LAF1806 .................. PA2797  LUF
                  LAF101 ...................... PA634  LUF LAF1351 .................. PA3944  CHP LAF160 .................... PA1790  BWS LAF1751 ...............................  LUF LAF1807 .................. PA3573  LUF
                  LAF1012 .................... PA618  CHP LAF1351 .................. PA3944  LUF LAF160 .................... PA1790  CHP  w/o Check Valve PA2798  LAF1809 .................. PA2726  BWS
                  LAF1012 .................... PA618  LUF LAF1394 .................. PA2570  BWS LAF160 .................... PA1790  LUF  w/Check Valve PA5700  LAF1809 .................. PA2726  LUF
                  LAF1012F .......PA618 FOAM  LUF LAF1394 .................. PA2570  LUF LAF1616 .................. PA1776  BWS LAF1752 .................. PA2915  LUF LAF1810 ...............................  BWS
                  LAF1012HD ............. PA1703  CHP LAF14 ........................ PA607  LUF LAF1616 .................. PA1776  CHP LAF1753 .................. PA2914  LUF  Standard PA2518
                  LAF1012HD ............. PA1703  LUF LAF140 .................... PA2063  LUF LAF1616 .................. PA1776  LUF LAF1754 .................. PA1893  LUF  Upgrade PA2518XP
                  LAF1012HDE .............PA618  LUF LAF140A .................. PA1789  CHP LAF1617 .................. PA2233  CHP LAF1755 .................. PA2667  BWS LAF1810 ...............................  LUF
                  LAF102 .................... PA1648  LUF LAF1416 .................. PA1687  CHP LAF1617 .................. PA2233  FSN LAF1755 .................. PA2667  LUF  Standard PA2518
                  LAF1038 ............ PA1749-FN  BWS LAF1416 .................. PA1687  LUF LAF1617 .................. PA2233  LUF LAF1756 .................. PA2391  LUF  Upgrade PA2518XP
                  LAF1038 ............ PA1749-FN  CHP LAF142 ...................... PA662  LUF LAF1617 .................. PA2233 PARP LAF1757 ...............................  LUF LAF1811 .................. PA2300  BWS
                  LAF1038 ............ PA1749-FN  LUF LAF1445 .................. PA1772  LUF LAF1617 .................. PA2233 SECU  Standard PA1885  LAF1811 .................. PA2300  LUF
                  LAF1040 .................. PA2461  BWS LAF1451 .................. PA1806  CHP LAF1617 .................. PA2233  TIRE  Upgrade PA1885XP  LAF1812 .................. PA2675  BWS
                  LAF1040 .................. PA2461  CHP LAF1451 .................. PA1806  LUF LAF1617 .................. PA2233 TRUS LAF1758 .................. PA3499  LUF LAF1812 .................. PA2675  LUF
                  LAF1040 .................. PA2461  LUF LAF1455 ............ PA3466-FN  CHP LAF1617 .................. PA2233 WARN LAF1759 .................. PA2668  LUF LAF1813 .................. PA2688  CHP
                  LAF107 .................... PA1861  LUF LAF1455 ............ PA3466-FN  LUF LAF1628 .................. PA1777  BWS LAF1759E ................ PA2668  LUF LAF1813 .................. PA2688  LUF
                  LAF1075 .................. PA2468  CHP LAF1456 .................. PA2410  LUF LAF1628 .................. PA1777  CHP LAF1760 ...............................  LUF LAF1814 .................. PA2621  LUF
                  LAF1075 .................. PA2468  LUF LAF1458 ............ PA1752-FN  LUF LAF1628 .................. PA1777  LUF  Standard PA1846  LAF1815 .................. PA2658  BWS
                  LAF1095 ................... LL2685  LUF LAF1459 .................. PA2569  LUF LAF1646 .................. CA4999  CHP  Upgrade PA1846XP  LAF1815 .................. PA2658  LUF
                  LAF110 .................... PA1851  LUF LAF146 ...................... PA650  LUF LAF1646 .................. CA4999  LUF LAF1762 .................. PA1823  LUF LAF1816 .................. PA2454  BWS
                  LAF1128 .................. PA2473  CHP LAF1460 .................. PA2383  LUF LAF1671 ................ PA30034  LUF LAF1763 .................. PA2812  LUF LAF1816 .................. PA2454  LUF
                  LAF1128 .................. PA2473  LUF LAF1461 .................. PA2329  LUF LAF1675 .................. PA4110  CHP LAF1764 .................. PA2838  LUF LAF1817 .................. PA3794  LUF
                  LAF1136 .................. PA2340  BWS LAF1462 .................. PA1644  LUF LAF1675 .................. PA4110 CIGO LAF1765 .................. PA2457  BWS LAF1818 ...............................  BWS
                  LAF1136 .................. PA2340  LUF LAF1463 .................. PA1653  LUF LAF1675 .................. PA4110  LUF LAF1765 .................. PA2457  LUF  Standard PA2453
                  LAF1137 .................. PA2339  BWS LAF1464 .................... PA644  LUF LAF1675 .................. PA4110 WARN LAF1766 .................. PA1718  LUF  Upgrade PA2453XP
                  LAF1137 .................. PA2339  LUF LAF1465 ...............................  LUF LAF1680 .................. PA4120  CHP LAF1767 .................. PA1976  LUF LAF1818 ...............................  LUF
                  LAF1146 .................. PA2503  LUF  Standard PA2676  LAF1680 .................. PA4120  LUF LAF1768 .................. PA2784  LUF  Standard PA2453
                  LAF115 ...................... PA648  LUF  Upgrade PA2676XP  LAF1680 .................. PA4120 PARP LAF1769 .................. PA2729  CHP  Upgrade PA2453XP
                  LAF1163 .................. PA2666  LUF LAF1466 ............ PA2790-FN  LUF LAF1680 .................. PA4120 TRUS LAF1769 .................. PA2729  LUF LAF1818MXM ...........LL2453  CHP
                  LAF119 ...................... PA678  LUF LAF1467 ............ PA2302-FN  LUF LAF1680 .................. PA4120 WARN LAF1770 .................. PA2732  CHP LAF1818MXM ...........LL2453  LUF
                  LAF120 ...................... PA649  LUF LAF1468 .................. PA3756  LUF LAF17 ........................ PA638  LUF LAF1770 .................. PA2732  LUF LAF1818XL ...............LL2453  CHP
                  LAF1200 .................. PA1788  LUF LAF1469 .................. PA2699  LUF LAF1710 .................. PA2792  CHP LAF1771 .................. PA3824  LUF LAF1818XL ...............LL2453  LUF
                  LAF120A .................. PA1788  BWS LAF1470 .................. PA2792  LUF LAF1710 .................. PA2792  LUF LAF1772 .................. PA2668  BWS LAF1819 .................. PA2538  BWS
                  LAF120A .................. PA1788  CHP LAF1471 .................. PA2316  LUF LAF1711 .................. PA3687  LUF LAF1772 .................. PA2668  LUF LAF1819 .................. PA2538  LUF
                  LAF120A .................. PA1788  LUF LAF1472 .................. PA1754  LUF LAF1712 .................. PA2767  LUF LAF1773 .................. PA2698  LUF LAF1820 .................. PA2575  BWS
                  LAF121 ...................... PA652  CHP LAF1473 .................. PA1897  LUF LAF1713 .................. PA3686  LUF LAF1774 .................. PA2781  LUF LAF1820 .................. PA2575  LUF
                  LAF121 ...................... PA652  LUF LAF1474 .................. PA1787  LUF LAF1714 .................. PA2845  LUF LAF1775 .................. PA2782  LUF LAF1821 .................. PA2731  LUF
                  LAF1212 .................. PA1774  BWS LAF1475 .................. PA2791  LUF LAF1715 .................. PA2837  LUF LAF1776 ............ PA1830-FN  LUF LAF1822 .................. PA1898  LUF
                  LAF1212 .................. PA1774  CHP LAF1476 .................. PA2606  LUF LAF1716 .................. PA2474  LUF LAF1777 .................. PA2346  LUF LAF1823 .................. PA1809  BWS
                  LAF1212 .................. PA1774  LUF LAF1477 ............ PA1667-FN  LUF LAF1717 .................. PA2836  LUF LAF1778 .................. PA2402  LUF LAF1823 .................. PA1809  LUF
                  LAF1215HD ............... PA666  CHP LAF1478 .................. PA2783  LUF LAF1718 .................. PA2475  BWS LAF1779 .................. PA2306  BWS LAF1825 .................. PA2874  LUF
                  LAF1215HD ............... PA666  LUF LAF1479 .................. PA1763  LUF LAF1718 .................. PA2475  CHP LAF1779 .................. PA2306  LUF LAF1826 .................. PA2653  BWS
                  LAF122 .................... PA1909  LUF LAF148 ...................... PA657  LUF LAF1718 .................. PA2475  LUF LAF178 .................... PA1680  LUF LAF1826 .................. PA2653  LUF
                  LAF1226 .................. PA1775  BWS LAF1480 .................. PA2656  LUF LAF1719 .................. PA2814  LUF LAF1780 .................. PA2301  LUF LAF1826F .............................  LUF
                  LAF1226 .................. PA1775  CHP LAF1481 .................. PA2852  CHP LAF1720 .................. PA2835  LUF LAF1781 .......... PA2379-K  +  LUF  PA2653 FOAM
                  LAF1226 .................. PA1775  LUF LAF1481 .................. PA2852  LUF LAF1721 .................. PA2419  LUF LAF1782 .................. PA2063  LUF LAF1827 .................. PA3890  LUF
                  LAF1227 .................. PA1936  CHP LAF1483 .................. PA5733  CHP LAF1722 ............ PA2541-FN  LUF LAF1783 .................. PA2319  LUF LAF1828 .................. PA2721  LUF
                  LAF1227 .................. PA1936  LUF LAF1483 .................. PA5733  LUF LAF1723 .................. PA2332  LUF LAF1784 .................. PA2487  BWS LAF1829 .................. PA2804  CHP
                  LAF1227AM ............. PA1936  LUF LAF1484 .................. PA4932  LUF LAF1725 .................. PA2427  BWS LAF1784 .................. PA2487  LUF LAF1829 .................. PA2804  LUF
                  LAF124 .................... PA2007  LUF LAF15 ...................... PA2554  BWS LAF1725 .................. PA2427  LUF LAF1785 .................. PA1982  LUF LAF1830 .................. PA1904  LUF
                  LAF1246 ............ PA1681-FN  BWS  Not for Use as Cab Air  LAF1726 .................. PA2776  BWS LAF1786 .................. PA1664  LUF LAF1831 .................. PA1921  LUF
                  LAF1246 ............ PA1681-FN  CHP LAF15 ...................... PA2554  LUF LAF1726 .................. PA2776  LUF LAF1787 .................. PA2582  BWS LAF1833 .................. PA2805  CHP
                  LAF1246 ............ PA1681-FN  LUF  Not for Use as Cab Air  LAF1727 .................. PA3494  LUF LAF1787 .................. PA2582  LUF LAF1833 .................. PA2805  LUF
                  LAF1246A .......... PA1681-FN  LUF LAF150 .................... PA2315  CHP LAF1728 .................. PA2847  LUF LAF1789 .................. PA2605  BWS LAF1834 .................. PA2577  BWS
                  LAF1246B .......... PA1681-FN  LUF LAF150 .................... PA2315  LUF LAF1729 .................. PA2659  LUF LAF1789 .................. PA2605  LUF LAF1834 .................. PA2577  LUF
                  LAF1248 ............ PA1681-FN  LUF LAF1520 .................. PA4134  CHP LAF1730 .................. PA2955  LUF LAF1790 .................. PA2583  BWS LAF1835 .................. PA2578  BWS
                  LAF1265 .......... PA2379-K  +  CHP LAF1520 .................. PA4134 CIGO LAF1731 .................. PA3759  LUF LAF1790 .................. PA2583  LUF LAF1835 .................. PA2578  LUF
                  LAF1265 .......... PA2379-K  +  LUF LAF1520 .................. PA4134  LUF LAF1732 .................. PA3612  BWS LAF1791 ............ PA1989-FN  BWS LAF1836 .................. PA2322  LUF
                  LAF1267 .................. PA1899  LUF LAF1520 .................. PA4134 PARP LAF1732 .................. PA3612  LUF LAF1791 ............ PA1989-FN  LUF LAF1837 .................. PA2612  BWS
                  LAF1269 .................. PA1900  LUF LAF1520 .................. PA4134 SERV LAF1733 .................. PA2422  LUF LAF1792 .................. PA2499  BWS LAF1837 .................. PA2612  LUF
                  LAF127 ...................... PA693  LUF LAF1532 .................. PA2530  BWS LAF1734 ............ PA2380-FN  BWS LAF1792 .................. PA2499  LUF LAF1839 .................. PA2839  CHP
                  LAF1275 ............ PA1690-FN  BWS LAF1532 .................. PA2530  CHP LAF1734 ............ PA2380-FN  CHP LAF1793 .................. PA2489  BWS LAF1839 .................. PA2839  LUF
                   +   See Product Guide for Variations of This Number.
                  CAUTION: For general references only. Check catalog for correct filter application. Any use of this interchange to determine filter application is done at the installers risk.
                     WARNING: These products can expose you to chemicals, including Diisononyl Phthalate, Carbon black extracts, Nickel, 1,3 Butadiene, Ethylene Oxide,
                     Epichlorohydrin, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer, and Bisphenol, Ethylene Glycol, Ethylene Oxide, 1,3 Butadiene, Epichlorohydrin,
                     which are known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to
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