Page 726 - Catalog cross-references filters BALDWIN
P. 726
Catalog Baldwinfilters cross-references
Auto Parts / N u m b e r Baldwin Code N u m b e r Baldwin Code N u m b e r Baldwin Code N u m b e r Baldwin Code N u m b e r Baldwin Code
LAF263A ...............PA1630-2 LUF LAF3107 .................. PA1689 LUF LAF3535B ............................ LUF LAF388 .................... PA2061 APOL LAF4186 ............ PA1941-FN LUF
LAF263B ...............PA1630-2 LUF LAF3119 .................. PA1679 LUF Standard PA1706 LAF388 .................... PA2092 BWS LAF4187 .................. PA1972 LUF
LAF263HD ............ PA1630-2 BWS LAF3120 .................. PA1633 LUF Upgrade PA1706XP LAF388 .................... PA2061 CAM2 LAF4191 .................. PA3781 LUF
LAF263HD ............ PA1630-2 CHP LAF313AM ............... PA2370 LUF LAF3551 .................. PA2705 BWS LAF388 ................................. CHP LAF4192 .................. PA2621 LUF
LAF263HD ............ PA1630-2 LUF LAF3141 .................. PA4466 CHP LAF3551 .................. PA2705 CHP w/o Foam Wrap PA2092 LAF42 ........................ PA671 LUF
LAF263HDA ......... PA1630-2 LUF LAF3141 .................. PA4466 LUF LAF3551 .................. PA2705 LUF w/Foam Wrap PA2115 LAF421 ................... PA671-1 LUF
LAF263HDB ......... PA1630-2 LUF LAF320 .................... PA1781 BWS LAF3585 .................. RS3501 CHP LAF388 ................................. CIGO LAF4246 .................. PA2725 LUF
LAF264 .................... PA1613 BWS LAF320 .................... PA1781 CHP LAF3585 .................. RS3501 LUF w/o Foam Wrap PA2092 LAF4271 .................. PA3772 LUF
LAF264 .................... PA1613 CHP LAF320 .................... PA1781 LUF LAF3586 .................. PA3584 LUF w/Foam Wrap PA2115 LAF4273 ............................... LUF
LAF264 .................... PA1613 LUF LAF323 .................... PA2432 BWS LAF362 .................... PA2429 LUF LAF388 .................... PA2092 GRAN Standard RS3508
LAF264A .................. PA1613 LUF LAF323 .................... PA2432 LUF LAF3654 .................. PA3656 LUF LAF388 ................................. LUF Upgrade RS3508XP
LAF264B .................. PA1613 LUF LAF3232 ............ PA3660-FN LUF LAF3655 .................. PA3655 LUF w/o Foam Wrap PA2092 LAF4274 .................. RS3509 LUF
LAF265 .................... PA1621 CHP LAF3233 .................. CA4700 CHP LAF3657 .................. PA2708 LUF w/Foam Wrap PA2115 LAF4298 .................. PA3609 LUF
LAF265 .................... PA1621 LUF LAF3233 .................. CA4700 LUF LAF3663 .................. RS3882 CHP LAF388 .................... PA2092 MASE LAF4300 ............PA4610 KIT LUF
LAF265HD ............ PA1621-2 CHP LAF3233FR ............. CA5420 LUF LAF3663 .................. RS3882 LUF LAF388 ................................. WARN LAF4306 .................. PA2713 LUF
LAF265HD ............ PA1621-2 LUF LAF3234 .................. PA4701 LUF LAF3663MXM ...................... LUF w/o Foam Wrap PA2092 LAF431 .................... PA2428 BWS
LAF265HDA ......... PA1621-2 LUF LAF3236 .................. CA4996 LUF RS3882XP w/Foam Wrap PA2115 LAF431 .................... PA2428 LUF
LAF265HDB ......... PA1621-2 LUF LAF3237 .................. PA4997 LUF LAF3664 .................. RS3883 CHP LAF3884 .................. RS3701 LUF LAF4310 .................. PA2591 LUF
LAF267 .................... PA1643 LUF LAF329 .................... PA2006 LUF LAF3664 .................. RS3883 LUF LAF388B .................. PA2115 CHP LAF4312 .................. PA2630 LUF
LAF2671 .................. PA2534 LUF LAF3302 .................. RS3534 CHP LAF3680 .................. PA3680 LUF LAF388B .................. PA2115 LUF LAF4317 .................. PA3430 LUF
LAF267A ...............PA1630-2 LUF LAF3302 .................. RS3534 LUF LAF3699 .................. PA4991 LUF LAF3890 .................. RS3722 LUF LAF4324 ........... P A 2 5 4 9 9 0 LUF
LAF267B ...............PA1630-2 LUF LAF331 .................... PA2007 LUF LAF37 ........................ PA675 LUF LAF3901 .................. PA3918 LUF LAF4329 .................. PA3610 LUF
LAF268 ...................... PA645 CHP LAF332 .................... PA2009 LUF LAF3700 .................. PA5310 LUF LAF3902 .................. PA3919 LUF LAF4332 .................. PA4594 LUF
LAF268 ...................... PA645 LUF LAF334 ................................. BWS LAF3701 .................. PA2771 LUF LAF3916 .................. PA3916 LUF LAF4334 .................. PA2655 LUF
LAF268A .................... PA645 LUF Standard PA1634 LAF3701E ................ PA2771 LUF LAF3918 ............... PA1705-2 LUF LAF4335 .................. PA1957 LUF
LAF268B .................... PA645 LUF Upgrade PA1634XP LAF3702 .................. PA3477 LUF LAF3930 .................. RS3548 CHP LAF4340 .................. PA3928 LUF
LAF2736 .................. PA2736 LUF LAF334 ................................. CHP LAF3703 .................. PA2866 BWS LAF3930 .................. RS3548 LUF LAF4341 .................. PA2691 LUF
LAF2738 .................. PA2738 LUF Standard PA1634 LAF3703 .................. PA2866 LUF LAF3930MXM ...................... LUF LAF4342 .......PA1765 FOAM LUF
LAF2745 ............ PA1865-FN LUF Upgrade PA1634XP LAF3704 .................. PA2891 BWS Standard RS3548 LAF4348 .................. PA5584 CHP
LAF2745A .......... PA1865-FN BWS LAF334 ................................. LUF LAF3704 .................. PA2891 LUF Upgrade RS3548XP LAF4348 .................. PA5584 LUF
LAF2745A .......... PA1865-FN CHP Standard PA1634 LAF3705 .................. PA2677 LUF LAF3931 .................. PA2631 LUF LAF4357 .......PA1702 FOAM LUF
LAF2745A .......... PA1865-FN LUF Upgrade PA1634XP LAF3706 .................. PA2553 BWS LAF3934 ............ PA3983-FN LUF LAF4359 .................. PA2630 LUF
LAF2745B .......... PA1865-FN LUF LAF3346 .................. PA2803 LUF LAF3706 .................. PA2553 LUF LAF3947 .................. RS3920 LUF LAF4360 ............................... LUF
LAF2746 .................. PA3565 CHP LAF3348 .................. PA4793 LUF LAF3707 .................. PA2514 BWS LAF3948 .................. RS3921 LUF Standard PA3478
LAF2746 .................. PA3565 LUF LAF334MXM ........................ CHP LAF3707 .................. PA2514 LUF LAF3951 .................. RS4678 LUF Upgrade PA3478XP
LAF2753 .................. CA5366 LUF Long Life LL1634 LAF3708 .................. PA2308 BWS LAF3952 .................. RS4679 LUF LAF4361 .................. PA4593 CHP
LAF276 .................... PA1841 CHP Upgrade PA1634XP LAF3708 .................. PA2308 LUF LAF3953 .................. PA4145 CHP LAF4361 .................. PA4593 LUF
LAF276 .................... PA1841 LUF LAF334MXM ........................ LUF LAF3709 .................. PA1632 LUF LAF3953 .................. PA4145 CIGO LAF4365 .................. PA2661 LUF
LAF281 .............. PA2344-FN BWS Long Life LL1634 LAF3710 .................. PA2588 BWS LAF3953 .................. PA4145 LUF LAF4445 .................. PA2548 BWS
LAF281 .............. PA2344-FN CHP Upgrade PA1634XP LAF3710 .................. PA2588 LUF LAF3953 .................. PA4145 MIGH LAF4445 .................. PA2548 CHP
LAF281 .............. PA2344-FN LUF LAF335 .................... PA1675 BWS LAF3711 .................. PA2369 BWS LAF398 .................... PA1940 LUF LAF4445 .................. PA2548 LUF
LAF282 .................... PA1815 CHP LAF335 .................... PA1675 CHP LAF3711 .................. PA2369 CHP LAF4 .......................... PA615 LUF LAF4482 ................ PA30043 LUF
LAF282 .................... PA1815 LUF LAF335 .................... PA1675 LUF LAF3711 .................. PA2369 LUF LAF400 .................... PA1606 LUF LAF4490 .................. PA2515 BWS
LAF2821 .................. PA2478 BWS LAF3352 .................. PA2989 LUF LAF3713 .................. PA2750 LUF LAF4040 .................. PA1782 BWS LAF4490 .................. PA2515 CHP
LAF2821 .................. PA2478 LUF LAF336 .................... PA2310 LUF LAF3714 .................. PA2641 LUF LAF4040 .................. PA1782 CHP LAF4490 .................. PA2515 LUF
LAF2831 .................. PA2632 BWS LAF337 .................... PA1818 BWS LAF3715 .................. PA2801 LUF LAF4040 .................. PA1782 LUF LAF4497 .................. RS3520 LUF
LAF2831 .................. PA2632 LUF LAF337 .................... PA1818 CHP LAF3715E ................ PA2801 LUF LAF407 .................... PA1860 LUF LAF4498 .................. RS3517 CHP
LAF2871 ............ PA1978-FN CHP LAF337 .................... PA1818 LUF LAF3716 .................. PA2409 LUF LAF41 ........................ PA655 BWS LAF4498 .................. RS3517 LUF
LAF2872 ............ PA1978-FN CHP LAF3374 ............ PA1902-FN CHP LAF3717 .................. PA2587 BWS LAF41 ........................ PA655 CHP LAF4498MXM ...................... LUF
LAF2872 ............ PA1978-FN LUF LAF3374 ............ PA1902-FN LUF LAF3717 .................. PA2587 LUF LAF41 ........................ PA655 LUF Standard RS3517
LAF2886 .................. CA5369 CHP LAF3395 .................. PA1932 LUF LAF3730 ............ PA1979-FN BWS LAF4121 .................. PA2567 LUF Upgrade RS3517XP
LAF2886 .................. CA5369 LUF LAF3398 .................. PA2556 BWS LAF3730 ............ PA1979-FN CHP LAF4126 .................. PA3438 LUF LAF4499 .................. RS3502 LUF
LAF290 .................... PA1649 LUF LAF3398 .................. PA2556 CHP LAF3730 ............ PA1979-FN LUF LAF4132 .................. PA2876 CHP LAF45 ...................... PA1669 BWS
LAF290A .................. PA1649 BWS LAF3398 .................. PA2556 LUF LAF3742 ............ PA1977-FN CHP LAF4132 .................. PA2876 LUF LAF45 ...................... PA1669 CHP
LAF290A .................. PA1649 CHP LAF340 .................... PA1819 CHP LAF3742 ............ PA1977-FN LUF LAF413AM ............... PA2319 LUF LAF45 ...................... PA1669 LUF
LAF290A .................. PA1649 LUF LAF340 .................... PA1819 LUF LAF3754 .................. PA2571 BWS LAF414 .................... PA2547 BWS LAF4500 .................. RS3503 LUF
LAF290B .................. PA1649 LUF LAF3402 .................. PA2555 BWS LAF3754 .................. PA2571 CHP LAF414 .................... PA2547 CHP LAF4501 ............................... LUF
LAF292 .................... PA1704 BWS LAF3402 .................. PA2555 CHP LAF3754 .................. PA2571 LUF LAF414 .................... PA2547 LUF Standard RS3504
LAF292 .................... PA1704 CHP LAF3402 .................. PA2555 LUF LAF3779 ............ PA1636-FN LUF LAF4140 .................. RS5442 CHP Upgrade RS3504XP
LAF292 .................... PA1704 LUF LAF3407 .................. PA2354 LUF Move Fins to Closed End LAF4140 .................. RS5442 LUF LAF4501MXM ...................... CHP
LAF2926 .................. PA2789 CHP LAF348 .................... PA2008 LUF LAF3779A .......... PA1636-FN LUF LAF4148 .................. PA1625 LUF Standard RS3504
LAF2926 .................. PA2789 LUF LAF3496 .................. PA3496 LUF LAF3779B .......... PA1636-FN LUF LAF4149 .................. PA1663 LUF Upgrade RS3504XP
LAF2947 .................. CA5352 CHP LAF3498 .................. PA3498 LUF LAF378 .................... PA1673 LUF LAF414AM ............... PA2547 LUF LAF4501MXM ...................... LUF
LAF2947 .................. CA5352 LUF LAF35 ...................... PA1845 CHP LAF3781 .................. RS3717 CHP LAF4155 .................. PA2321 LUF Standard RS3504
LAF2959 .................. CA5370 CHP LAF35 ...................... PA1845 LUF LAF3781 .................. RS3717 LUF LAF4156 .................. PA2491 CHP Upgrade RS3504XP
LAF2959 .................. CA5370 LUF LAF3532 .................. RS3532 LUF LAF3785 .................. PA2458 CHP LAF4156 .................. PA2491 LUF LAF4502 .................. RS3505 LUF
LAF3048 .................. PA2848 LUF LAF3533 .................. RS3533 LUF LAF3785 .................. PA2458 LUF LAF4159 .................. PA2607 LUF LAF4503 .................. RS3506 LUF
LAF305 .................... PA2010 LUF LAF3534A .............PA1705-2 LUF LAF379 .................... PA1674 CHP LAF4162 .................. PA4619 LUF LAF4503MXM ...................... CHP
LAF3055 ............ PA1699-FN LUF LAF3535 ............................... LUF LAF379 .................... PA1674 LUF LAF4163 .................. PA2469 LUF Standard RS3506
LAF306 .................... PA2083 LUF Standard PA1706 LAF3814 .................. RS3749 LUF LAF4167 ................ PA30048 LUF Upgrade RS3506XP
LAF307 .................... PA1666 LUF Upgrade PA1706XP LAF386 .................... PA1866 LUF LAF4169 ............ PA3439-FN LUF LAF4503MXM ...................... LUF
LAF3084 ............ PA1650-FN LUF LAF3535A ............................ CHP LAF3860 .................. RS5344 LUF LAF416AM ............... PA2368 LUF Standard RS3506
LAF31 ........................ PA625 LUF Standard PA1706 LAF3861 .................. RS5345 LUF LAF4173 .................. PA2674 LUF Upgrade RS3506XP
LAF310 .................... PA2531 BWS Upgrade PA1706XP LAF4176 .................. PA2652 LUF LAF4504 .................. RS3507 LUF
LAF310 .................... PA2531 CHP LAF3535A ............................ LUF LAF4179 .................. RS4806 LUF LAF4505 .................. RS3510 LUF
LAF310 .................... PA2531 LUF Standard PA1706 LAF4183 .................. PA2651 CHP
LAF3102 .................. PA1709 LUF Upgrade PA1706XP LAF4183 .................. PA2651 LUF
90 Obsolete Pending.
CAUTION: For general references only. Check catalog for correct filter application. Any use of this interchange to determine filter application is done at the installers risk.
WARNING: These products can expose you to chemicals, including Diisononyl Phthalate, Carbon black extracts, Nickel, 1,3 Butadiene, Ethylene Oxide,
Epichlorohydrin, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer, and Bisphenol, Ethylene Glycol, Ethylene Oxide, 1,3 Butadiene, Epichlorohydrin,
which are known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to
724 / Auto Parts