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    Page 46 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for cars
    P. 46
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for cars


    Catalog Baldwinfilters for cars

    Auto Parts / English
                                                                              HOW AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS ARE ARRANGED
                                     AUTOMOTIVE E
                                    Automobiles, Light-Duty Trucks, Vans, Pre-1980
                                    Automobiles, Motorcycles, Transmissions
                                               1980-ON AUTOMOTIVE SECTION                  MOTORCYCLE SECTION
                                               Alphabetically by Make                      Alphabetically by Make
                                               All automobiles, light-duty trucks and vans are listed in  All motorcycles are listed in this section alphabetically
                                               this section alphabetically by make.        by make.
                                               By Year
                                               Within each make, all automobiles, light-duty trucks
                                               and vans are listed in year sequence from the latest
                                               to the earliest year shown.                 TRANSMISSIONS
                                               Alphabetically by Model Name                Transmissions  are  arranged  alphabetically  by
                                               Within  each  year,  all  models  are  arranged  manufacturer, then numerically by model number.
                                               alphabetically. If the model begins with a number, it
                                               will  be  listed  numerically  before  the  alphabetically
                                               listed models.
                                               By Engine Size                              IMPORTANT NOTICE
                                               Under each model, the engines are listed according
                                               to size, from the smallest to the largest. Sometimes,  All  product  applications  and  specifications  in
                                               more than one variation of the same size engine is  Baldwin  catalogs  are  based  upon  the  most
                                               listed under one model. These engines are sorted  authoritative  information  available  at  the  time  of
                                               by VIN code.                                publication. However, there are many filter options
                                                                                           offered by equipment manufacturers during a given
                                                                                           model  year  making  it  impossible  to  be  absolutely
                                                                                           certain that all equipment of the same make, model
                                               PRE-1980 AUTOMOTIVE SECTION                 and year will use the same filter. For this reason, we
                                                                                           cannot be responsible for misapplications.
                                               Alphabetically by Make
                                               All automobiles, light-duty trucks and vans are listed  Original  equipment  manufacturer’s  tradenames  or
                                               in this section alphabetically by make.     trademarks  are  for  identification  purposes  only.
                                                                                           There  is  no  affiliation,  sponsorship  or  connection
                                               By Year
                                                                                           with the original equipment parts or manufacturer.
                                               Within each make, all automobiles, light-duty trucks
                                               and vans are listed in year sequence from 1979 to
                                               the earliest year shown.
                                               Models are listed at the beginning of each year, with
                                               engine size, when known.
                                               By Engine Size
                                               Within each year, the engines are listed according
                                               to size, from the smallest to the largest engines.
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