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    Catalog Baldwinfilters for cars

    Auto Parts / Vehicle Identification
                                    Number (VIN)
                                              VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) DECODING
                                    Originally,  Vehicle  Identification  Numbers  (VIN)  were  For  each  type  of  vehicle  (passenger  cars,  multi-
                                    designated  to  identify  a  vehicle,  but  there  was  no  passenger  vehicles  (MPVs),  trucks,  buses,  trailers,
                                    standardization. Beginning in 1981, vehicles were assigned  motorcycles, incomplete vehicles other than trailers)
                                    an international VIN code consisting of 17 characters (which  different information is required.
                                    cannot include the letter I, O or Q) unique to each vehicle.
                                                                                          For cars, MPVs and light-duty trucks:
                                    The VIN serves a variety of purposes. As well as providing  4th - 5th positions are alphabetic
                                    identification  in  licensing  and  insuring  the  vehicle,  the
                                    history of the vehicle can be tracked. VIN codes provide  6th - 7th positions are numeric
                                    complete vehicle information including:                  8th position can be either alphabetic or numeric
                                              n is the vehicle defective (lemon car)
                                                                                           n  9th Character (or Check Digit)
                                              n has the vehicle been totaled              Is determined by a complicated formula.
                                                or had major accident damage
                                                                                          Each  character  is  assigned  a  numerical  value  and
                                              n has the vehicle had flood damage          then multiplied by the value assigned to its position.
                                              n has the vehicle had odometer fraud        These values are added and then divided by 11. The
                                                                                          remainder is the Check Digit. This character can be
                                                n has the vehicle been stolen             numeric or the letter X.
                                    To help decode the VIN, the following information has been       n  10th Character
                                    provided:                                             Identifies the vehicle model year.
                                          n  1st - 3rd Characters                          n  11th Character
                                              Identify the manufacturer (country), make and  Identifies the plant of manufacture.
                                         type of vehicle.
                                                                                           n  12th - 17th Characters
                                          n  4th - 8th Characters                         Consists  of  a  sequential  production  number  for
                                         Identify the different aspects of the vehicle.   manufacturers producing more than 500 vehicles per year.
                                                             VIN NUMBER ORIGIN AND YEAR
                                         1ST CHARACTER - COUNTRY OF ORIGIN                        10TH CHARACTER - YEAR
                                      1  U.S.A.       K  Korea        Y  Sweden or    A  1980     L   1990     Y  2000     A  2010
                                      2  Canada       L  China or          Finland    B  1981     M  1991      1   2001    B  2011
                                      3  Mexico           Taiwan      Z  Italy        C  1982     N  1992      2   2002    C  2012
                                      4  U.S.A.       M Thailand                      D  1983     P  1993      3   2003    D  2013
                                      5  U.S.A.       S  Great Britain                E  1984     R  1994      4   2004    E  2014
                                      6  Australia    V  France or                    F   1985    S  1995      5   2005    F   2015
                                      9  Brazil           Yugoslavia                  G  1986     T   1996     6   2006    G  2016
                                      J   Japan       W Germany                       H   1987    V   1997     7   2007
                                                                                      J   1988    W 1998       8   2008
                                                                                      K  1989     X  1999      9   2009
                                    VIN plates are read through the windshield on the driver’s side of most vehicles. A manufacturer may use a variation of
                                    the same size engine in one model. To insure that you are using the correct filters for the application, it is necessary to
                                    identify the proper engine code. The following examples illustrate the location of the engine code in most manufacturer’s
                                    VIN codes.
                                             DOMESTIC VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN)
                                       AM GENERAL/HUMMER                                 AMC/EAGLE (EXCEPT JEEP)
                                          1995-2010                                       1972-1980               1981-1988
                                          ENGINE CODE                                      ENGINE CODE            ENGINE CODE
                                           (Fourth Character)                              (Seventh Character)     (Fourth Character)
                                      137XE82H*TE013212                                 A3M798Z 700001        2CCBN387*GB529063
                                                                                            ENGINE CODE
                                                                                            (Eighth Character)
                                                                                                  * See VIN Decoding Information on 9th Character (Check Digit).
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