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    Page 7 - Catalog filters SAKURA for technics NEW HOLLAND
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    Catalog filters for technics NEW HOLLAND

    Auto Parts / Sakura Filter                                                               ENGINE APPLICATION
              NEW HOLLAND(CNH)                   NEW HOLLAND(CNH)                   NEW HOLLAND(CNH)
                                                                                     Hydraulic Oil Filter .................  HC-7901
              2450                               3230
              (WINDROWERS)                       (TRACTORS)                          Hydraulic Oil Filter Transmission....  HC-1902
              FORD 304
                                                                                     Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-1910
                Air Filter Primary...................  AS-7805    Air Filter ............................  A-5003
                Air Filter Secondary..................  A-7964    Air Filter Set......................  A-5003-S
                Air Filter Set.....................  AS-5656-S    Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5101
                Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5715    Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5103    Air Filter Secondary..................  A-5009
                                                                                     Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5103
                Oil Filter ............................  C-5617    Hydraulic Oil Filter Transmission....  HC-1902
              250                                  Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-1906    Hydraulic Oil Filter .................  HC-7901
              (TRACTORS)                           Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-1910    Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-1910
                Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-1702   3300              350
                                                 (TRACTORS)                         (TRACTORS)
              (TRACTORS)                           Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5103    Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-1702
                Air Filter ............................  A-5003   334               3500R
                                                 (TRACTORS)                         (COMBINES HARVESTERS)
                Air Filter Set......................  A-5003-S                      FIAT  , 1986-1992
                                                                                     Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-1702
                Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5103    Air Filter ............................  A-5003
                Hydraulic Oil Filter .................  HC-7901    Air Filter Set......................  A-5003-S   3500R
                                                                                    (COMBINES HARVESTERS)
                Hydraulic Oil Filter Transmission....  HC-1902    Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5103
                                                                                    FIAT FIAT  , 1986-1992
                Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-1910    Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-1910    Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-1702
              2550                               340                                 Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-7004
              (WINDROWERS)                       (BALERS)
              FORD 304                                                              3550R
                                                                                    (COMBINES HARVESTERS)
                Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5715    Air Filter Primary...................  AS-2205
                                                                                    FIAT  , 1986-1992
              256                                  Air Filter Secondary..................  A-5009    Air Filter Secondary..................  A-7809
              (TRACTORS)                           Hydraulic Oil Filter .................  HC-7932    Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-1702
              CUMMINS 4BT3.9  , 1984-1988
                                                   Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-1910
                Air Filter Primary...................  AS-5523                      3550R
                Air Filter Secondary..................  A-7913   3400R              (COMBINES HARVESTERS)
                                                 (COMBINES HARVESTERS)              FIAT FIAT  , 1986-1992
                Fuel Filter Secondary................  FC-7903   FIAT  , 1986-1992   Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-1702
                Fuel/Water Separator ................  SFC-5706    Air Filter Secondary..................  A-7964
                Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-5703    Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-1702   (COMBINES HARVESTERS)
                                                                                    FORD 3CYL
              273                                3400R                               Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5103
              (BALERS)                           (COMBINES HARVESTERS)
              WISCONSIN THD                      FIAT FIAT  , 1986-1992              Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-1910
                Oil Filter By Pass....................  O-2201    Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-1702
                                                   Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-7004
              276                                                                   (COMBINES HARVESTERS)
              (TRACTORS)                                                            FORD 183
              CUMMINS 4BT3.9  , 1984-1988        340A                                Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-2201
                Fuel Filter Secondary................  FC-7903
                Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-5703    Air Filter Secondary..................  A-5009   (TRACTORS)
              276 II                               Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-1910
              (TRACTORS)                                                             Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5704
              CUMMINS 4BT3.9  , 1984-1988        340B
                                                 (TRACTORS)                         3560AL
                Fuel Filter Secondary................  FC-7903                      (COMBINES HARVESTERS)
                                                                                    IVECO 8061
                Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-5703    Air Filter Secondary..................  A-5009
                                                                                     Air Filter Secondary..................  A-7809
              276 II                             3415                                Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5715
              (TRACTORS)                         (TRACTORS)
              NEW HOLLAND 4.4L 268T                 1993-2002                        Oil Filter Combination................  C-7937
                Air Filter Primary...................  AS-5523    Fuel Filter ...........................  F-5210
                Air Filter Secondary..................  A-7913    Oil Filter Full Flow.................  C-56191   (COMBINES HARVESTERS)
                                                                                    IVECO 8065
                Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5101   3430
                Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-1910   (TRACTORS)          Air Filter Secondary..................  A-7809
                                                                                     Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5715
              283                                  Air Filter ............................  A-5003    Oil Filter Combination................  C-7937
              WISCONSIN V-461D                     Air Filter Set......................  A-5003-S
                Oil Filter By Pass....................  O-2201    Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5101   (COMBINES HARVESTERS)
                                                                                    FIAT  , 1985-1992
              300DT                                Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5103    Air Filter Secondary..................  A-7619
              (TRACTORS)                           Hydraulic Oil Filter Transmission....  HC-1902
                                                                                     Fuel Filter ..........................  F-70020
                                                   Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-1906
                Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-1702                      Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-9800
                                                   Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-1910
              3010S                                                                  Oil Filter Combination................  C-5705
              (TRACTORS)                           Oil Filter Power steering...........  PO-45010
                 1994-UP                                                            3830
                Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5715   (TRACTORS)        (TRACTORS)
                Hydraulic Oil Filter ................  HC-45110                      Air Filter Primary...................  AS-1014
                                                   Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5103
                                                                                     Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5715
                                                                A 4                   For Reference Only - May not be a direct cross / Auto Parts
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