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    Page 6 - Catalog filters SAKURA for technics NEW HOLLAND
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    Catalog filters for technics NEW HOLLAND

    Auto Parts / Sakura Filter                                                               ENGINE APPLICATION
              NEW HOLLAND(CNH)                   NEW HOLLAND(CNH)                   NEW HOLLAND(CNH)
                                                                                     Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-1906
              1800                                 Air Filter Secondary..................  A-6008
              (TRACTORS)                           Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-5504   2115
              DAF DHT825                                                            (COMBINES HARVESTERS)
                                                   Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-5519
                Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-6204                     CAT 3406
                Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-6203   1900                Air Filter ............................  A-5410
                                                 (COMBINES HARVESTERS)               Coolant Filter .......................  WC-5705
              180­90                             CAT 3306
              (TRACTORS)                           Air Filter ...........................  A-22320    Hydraulic Oil Filter .................  H-51170
                                                                                     Hydraulic Oil Filter .................  HC-7901
                                                   Air Filter Secondary..................  A-2207
                Air Filter Primary...................  A-70260
                                                   Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5501    Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-5502
                Fuel Filter ..........................  F-70020
                                                   Hydraulic Oil Filter .................  H-51170    Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-5523
                Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-9800
                                                   Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-5510   2205S
                Hydraulic Oil Filter ................  HC-45110
                                                   Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-6102   (WINDROWERS)
                Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-7008                      DAF
                                                 1900                                Air Filter Primary....................  A-6804
              1880                               (COMBINES HARVESTERS)
              (TRACTORS)                         DAF 1160                            Air Filter Secondary..................  A-6224
                                                   Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-6204    Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-6204
                Air Filter Primary....................  A-2210
                                                   Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-6204    Hydraulic Oil Filter .................  HC-7901
                Air Filter Set......................  A-6117-S
                                                                                     Hydraulic Oil Filter .................  HC-7906
              1880                               (COMBINES HARVESTERS)               Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-6204
                                                   Fuel Filter ...........................  F-5210
                Fuel Filter ..........................  F-70020                     (WINDROWERS)
                                                                                    DAF 1160
                Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-9800   1900
                                                 (COMBINES HARVESTERS)               Air Filter Primary....................  A-7979
                Hydraulic Oil Filter ................  HC-45110   NEW HOLLAND DIESEL
                                                                                     Air Filter Secondary..................  A-6802
                Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-7008    Air Filter ...........................  A-22320
                                                                                     Air Filter Set.....................  A-68010-S
              1880 CROP CRUISER                    Air Filter Secondary..................  A-2207    Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-7939
              (COMBINES HARVESTERS)                Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-6204
              CAT 3150                                                              2205S
                                                   Hydraulic Oil Filter .................  HC-7901
                Air Filter ............................  A-5708                     (WINDROWERS)
                                                   Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-6204   DAF DAF
                Air Filter ...........................  AS-5708
                                                                                     Air Filter Primary....................  A-6804
                Air Filter Primary....................  A-2210   1915
                                                 (WINDROWERS)                        Air Filter Set......................  A-6804-S
                Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5503   CAT 3306
                                                                                     Hydraulic Oil Filter .................  HC-7906
                Hydraulic Oil Filter .................  H-51170    Air Filter ...........................  A-22320
                Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-5504    Air Filter Secondary..................  A-2207
                                                                                    (COMBINES HARVESTERS)
                                                   Hydraulic Oil Filter .................  H-51170   DAF 1160
              1880 CROP CRUISER
              (COMBINES HARVESTERS)                Hydraulic Oil Filter .................  HC-7901    Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-7939
              CAT 3208
                                                   Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-5510   2305
                Air Filter Primary....................  A-2210
                                                   Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-6102   (COMBINES HARVESTERS)
                Air Filter Secondary..................  A-6008                      DAF DAF
                Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5512   1910               Air Filter Primary....................  A-6804
                Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-5504                       Air Filter Set......................  A-6804-S
                Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-5519    Fuel Filter ...........................  F-5210    Hydraulic Oil Filter .................  HC-7906
              1880 CROP CRUISER                  1910                               230A
              (COMBINES HARVESTERS)              (TRACTORS)                         (TRACTORS)
              FORD 391 GAS                       NEW HOLLAND DIESEL
                                                                                     Air Filter Secondary..................  A-5009
                Hydraulic Oil Filter .................  H-51170    Fuel Filter ...........................  F-5210
                Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-1910   1920                Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5103
                                                 (TRACTORS)                          Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-1910
              1880 CROP CRUISER
              (COMBINES HARVESTERS)                                                 230B
              GMC 4-71 DIESEL                      Fuel Filter ...........................  F-5210   (LOADERS)
                Air Filter ............................  A-5708    Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-7921
                Air Filter ...........................  AS-5708                      Air Filter ............................  A-5003
                Fuel Filter ...........................  F-6505   (COMBINES HARVESTERS)   Air Filter Set......................  A-5003-S
                                                 CAT 3406
                Fuel Filter Secondary.................  F-6502                       Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5103
                                                   Air Filter ............................  A-5410
                Oil Filter Full Flow..................  O-6503                       Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-1910
                                                   Coolant Filter .......................  WC-5707
              1895                                 Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5519   2405
              (COMBINES HARVESTERS)                                                 (COMBINES HARVESTERS)
              CAT 3306                             Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-5516   DAF 1160
                Air Filter ...........................  A-22320    Oil Filter Full Flow..................  O-5603    Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-7939
                Air Filter Secondary..................  A-2207                      2405
                Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5501   (COMBINES HARVESTERS)  (COMBINES HARVESTERS)
                                                                                    DAF DAF
                                                 NEW HOLLAND DIESEL
                Fuel/Water Separator ................  SFC-5705                      Air Filter Primary....................  A-6804
                                                   Fuel Filter ..........................  FC-5103
                Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-5510
                                                   Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-1906    Air Filter Set......................  A-6804-S
                Oil Filter Full Flow..................  C-6102                       Hydraulic Oil Filter .................  HC-7906
              1890                               (COMBINES HARVESTERS)
              CAT 3208
                                                                A 3                   For Reference Only - May not be a direct cross / Auto Parts
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