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    Page 713 - Catalog cross reference filters FLEETGUARD
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    Catalog cross reference filters

    Auto Parts / E. PRODUCT GUIDE
          FH23412       DAVCO 392640FGD10; Housing   FH23426   DAVCO 393760FGD07; Triplex   FH23446   DAVCO 3906180225; Housing
                        used with FS19804 Dual Sea Pro     Sea Pro 7, 7u Plus Size EleMax,     used with FS19804 Single Sea
                        6, 10u Spin-on, no WIF (probe),    No WIF (Probe), w/plugged WIF       Pro 6 with Drain and WIF; Fuel
                        w/plugged WIF ports, drain;        port, drain, 4-way valve; Fuel      flows up to 220 gph (757 lph)
                        Fuel flows up to 400 gph (1515     flows up to 600 gph (2272 lph)
                                              FH23435      DAVCO 92005002AMB; Uses
          FH23413       DAVCO 393640FGD10; Housing         service part(s) 3950445S;   FH23447   DAVCO 39071825,
                        used with FS19804 Triple Sea Pro   Housing used with FS19765 Dual      391750FGD25; Housing used
                        6, 10u Spin-on, No WIF (probe),    Industrial Pro Heavy duty off-hwy   with FS19765 Single Sea Pro 7
                        w/plugged WIF ports, drain;        engines, unheated, drain, Tee       with Drain; Fuel flows up to 200
                        Fuel flows up to 600 gph (2272     connector; Fuel flows up to 400     gph (757 lph)
                        lph)                               gph (1515 lph)
                                                             Overall Height:   18.95 (481)
                                                           Width:    15.9 (404)
          FH23414       DAVCO 39165002FGD10;               Outlet Connection: 1 1/4-11 1/2   FH23448   DAVCO 3907180225,
                        Housing used with FS19804;         NPT                                 39175002FGD25; Housing used
                        Single Sea Pro 6, 10u Spin-on,     Inlet Connection:  1 1/4-11 1/2     with FS19765 Single Sea Pro 7
                        WIF(Probe), drain Fuel flows up to   NPT                               with Drain and WIF, Fuel flows up
                        200 gph (757 lph)     FH23438      DAVCO 92006002AMB; Uses             to 200 gph (757 lph)
                                                           service part(s) 3950445S; Triplex
                                                           Industrial Pro Heavy Duty
                                                           Off-Hwy Engines, unheated,
                                                           4-way valve; Fuel Flows up to 600
          FH23417       DAVCO 392660FGD10; Housing            gph (2272 lph)     FH23453       DAVCO 91005402AMB; Uses
                        used with FS19804; Duplex Sea      Overall Height:   18.95 (481)       service part(s) 3950445S;
                        Pro 6,10u Spin-on, No WIF          Width:    22.75 (578)               Housing used with FS19765
                        (Probe) , w/plugged WIF ports,                                         Industrial Pro Heavy duty off-hwy
                        drain, 4-way valve Fuel flows up   Outlet Connection: 1 1/4 NPT        engines 500 hp & up, fluid Heat w/
                        to 400 gph (1515 lph)              Inlet Connection:  1 1/4 NPT        24V Pre-Heater
                                                           DAVCO 920050 Uses service
                                                           part(s) 3950445S Dual Industrial
                                                           Pro Heavy Duty Off-Hwy Engines,      Overall Height:   18.95 (481)
                                                           unheated,  Tee connector            Width:    7.75 (197)
          FH23418       DAVCO 393660FGD10 Housing          Fuel Flows up to 400gph (1515       Outlet Connection: 3/4-14 NPTF
                        used with FS19804 Triplex Sea      lph)                                Inlet Connection:  3/4-14 NPTF
                        Pro 6, 10u Spin-on, No WIF                                             Heater Voltage (DC): 24.0 (24)
                        (Probe), w/plugged WIF ports,      Overall Height:   18.95 (481)
                        drain, 4-way valve Fuel flows up   Width:    22.75 (578)   FH23457     CUMMINS 4964097, DAVCO
                        to 600 gph (2272 lph)              Outlet Connection: 1-11 1/2 NPT     9100500207; Single Industrial Pro
                                                           Inlet Connection:  1-11 1/2 NPT     with Primer Pump and By-Pass
                                              FH23440      DAVCO 92005004AMB; Uses             valve assembly; Unheated, WIF,
          FH23420       DAVCO 392740FGD07; Dual Sea        service part(s) 3950445S; Duplex    Drain Valve Fuel Flows up to 200
                                                                                               gph (757 lph)
                        Pro 7, 7u Plus Size EleMax, No     Industrial Pro Remote Mount
                        WIF, w/plugged WIF port, drain;    FWS, Unheated with a 4-way          Overall Height:   18.95 (481)
                        Fuel flows up to 400 gph (1515     valve; Heavy Duty Off-Hwy           Width:    12.45 (316)
                        lph)                               Engines; Fuel Flows up to 400       Outlet Connection: 3/4-14 NPTF
                                                           gph.                                Inlet Connection:  3/4-14 NPTF
                                                                                               WIF Sensor:   YES
                                                           Overall Height:   18.95 (481)
                                                           Width:    22.75 (578)   FH23458     CUMMINS 4964098, DAVCO
                                                           Outlet Connection: 1 1/4 NPT        9200400207; Dual Industrial Pro
          FH23421       DAVCO 393740FGD07; Triple          Inlet Connection:  1 1/4 NPT        with Primer Pump and By-Pass
                        Sea Pro 7, 7u Plus Size EleMax,   FH23441   DAVCO 920060AMB; Uses      valve assembly Heavy duty
                        No WIF, w/plugged WIF ports,       service part(s) 3950445S; Head      off-hwy engines, unheated, WIF,
                        drain; Fuel flows up to 600 gph    used with FS19763, FS19766,          Drain Valve, Tee Connector Fuel
                        (2272 lph)                         FS19764, FS19765, FS19905G;         Flows up to 400 gph (1515 lph)
                                                           Replaces FH23300, FH23301;
                                                           Triplex Industrial Pro Heavy Duty   Overall Height:   18.95 (481)
                                                             Off-Hwy Engines, unheated, Tee    Width:    25.25 (641)
                                                           connector; Fuel Flows up to         Outlet Connection: 1 1/4-11 1/2
          FH23422       DAVCO 39175002FGD07; Single        600gph (2272 lph)                   NPT
                        Sea Pro 7, 7u Plus Size EleMax,                                        Inlet Connection:  1 1/4-11 1/2
                        WIF (Probe), drain; Fuel flows up   Overall Height:   18.95 (481)      NPT
                        to 200 gph (757 lph)               Width:    22.75 (578)               WIF Sensor:   YES
                                                           Outlet Connection: 1-11 1/2 NPT
                                                           Inlet Connection:  1-11 1/2 NPT
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