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    Catalog cross reference filters

    Auto Parts / E. PRODUCT GUIDE
          FH23031       DAVCO 382052AMB,      FH23040      DAVCO 382032AMB,      FH23049       DAVCO 382053AMB,
                        382852FGD07; Uses service          382832FGD07; Uses service           382853FGD07; Uses service
                        part(s) 3950445S; Housing used     part(s) 3950445S; Housing used      part(s) 3950445S; Housing used
                        with FS19624 Fuel Pro Remote       with FS19624 Fuel Pro Remote        with FS19624 Fuel Pro Remote
                        Mount Heavy duty engines,          mount Heavy duty engines; Fluid     mount Heavy duty engines,
                        unheated w/12v pre-heater; Fuel    heat w/ 12v pre-heater; Fuel flows   unheated w/ 12v pre-heater, WIF;
                        flows up to 180 gph (681 lph);     up to 180 gph (681 lph); Bio        Fuel flows up to 180 gph (681
                        Bio Diesel Compatible; See         Diesel Compatible; See Technical    lph); Bio Diesel Compatible; See
                        Technical Information Catalog for      Information Catalog for more      Technical Information Catalog for
                        more details on this product       details on this product             more details on this product
                        Overall Height:   16.0 (406)       Overall Height:   16.25 (413)       Overall Height:   16.25 (413)
                        Width:     7.3 (185)               Width:     7.3 (185)                Width:    7.3 (185)
                        Outlet Connection: 1/2-14 NPTF     Outlet Connection: 1/2-14 NPTF      Outlet Connection: 1/2-14 NPTF
                        Inlet Connection:  1/2-14 NPTF     Inlet Connection:  1/2-14 NPTF      Inlet Connection:  1/2-14 NPTF
                        Heater Voltage (DC): 12.0 (12)     Heater Voltage (DC): 12.0 (12)      Heater Voltage (DC): 12.0 (12)
          FH23032       DAVCO 382054AMB,      FH23041      DAVCO 382033AMB,                    WIF Sensor:   YES
                        382854FGD07; Uses service          382833FGD07; Uses service   FH23050   DAVCO 382055AMB,
                        part(s) 3950445S; Housing used     part(s) 3950445S; Housing used      382855FGD07; Uses service
                        with FS19624 Fuel Pro Remote       with FS19624 Fuel Pro Remote        part(s) 3950445S; Housing used
                        Mount Heavy duty engines,          mount Heavy duty engines; Fluid     with FS19624 Fuel Pro Remote
                        unheated w/ 24v pre-heater; Fuel   heat w/12v pre-heater, WIF; Fuel    mount Heavy duty engines,
                        flows up to180 gph (681 lph); Bio   flows up to 180 gph (681 lph); Bio   unheated w/24v pre-heater, WIF;
                        Diesel Compatible; See Technical   Diesel Compatible; See Technical    Fuel flows up to 180 gph (681
                        Information Catalog for more       Information Catalog for more        lph); Bio Diesel Compatible; See
                                                                                               Technical Information Catalog for
                                                           details on this product
                        details on this product
                                                                                               more details on this product
                        Overall Height:   16.0 (406)       Overall Height:   16.25 (413)
                        Width:     7.3 (185)               Width:     7.3 (185)                Overall Height:   16.25 (413)
                        Outlet Connection: 1/2-14 NPTF     Outlet Connection: 1/2-14 NPTF      Width:    7.3 (185)
                        Inlet Connection:  1/2-14 NPTF     Inlet Connection:  1/2-14 NPTF      Outlet Connection: 1/2-14 NPTF
                        Heater Voltage (DC): 24.0 (24)     Heater Voltage (DC): 12.0 (12)      Inlet Connection:  1/2-14 NPTF
          FH23038       DAVCO 382030AMB,                   WIF Sensor:   YES                   Heater Voltage (DC): 24.0 (24)
                        382830FGD07; Uses service   FH23042   DAVCO 382034AMB,                 WIF Sensor:   YES
                        part(s) 3950445S; Housing used     382834FGD07; Uses service   FH23054   DAVCO 382062AMB,
                        with FS19624; Fuel Pro Remote      part(s) 3950445S; Housing used      382862FGD07; Uses service
                        mount Heavy duty engines; Fluid    with FS19624; Fuel Pro Remote       part(s) 3950445S; Replaces
                        Heat Fuel flows up to 180 gph      mount Heavy duty engines; Fluid     FH23001, FH23002, FH23003;
                        (681 l/h); Bio Diesel Compatible;    heat w/ 24v pre-heater Fuel flows   Housing used with FS19624 Fuel
                        See Technical Information          up to 180 gph (681 lph); Bio        Pro Remote mount Heavy duty
                        Catalog for more details on this      Diesel Compatible; See Technical   engines, unheated w/12v and
                        product                            Information Catalog for more        120v heater;  Fuel flows up to
                                                           details on this product             180 gph (681 lph); Bio Diesel
                        Overall Height:   16.25 (413)                                          Compatible; See Technical
                        Width:     7.3 (185)               Overall Height:   16.25 (413)       Information Catalog for more
                        Outlet Connection: 1/2-14 NPTF     Width:     7.3 (185)                details on this product
                        Inlet Connection:  1/2-14 NPTF     Outlet Connection: 1/2-14 NPTF
          FH23039       DAVCO 382031AMB,                   Inlet Connection:  1/2-14 NPTF      Overall Height:   16.25 (413)
                        382831FGD07; Uses service          Heater Voltage (DC): 24.0 (24)      Width:                7.3 (185)
                        part(s) 3950445S; Housing used   FH23045   DAVCO 382040AMB,            Outlet Connection: 1/2-14 NPTF
                        with FS19624; Fuel Pro Remote      382840FGD07; Uses service           Inlet Connection: 1/2-14 NPTF
                        mount; Heavy duty engines, Fluid   part(s) 3950445S; Housing used      Heater Voltage (DC): 24.0 (24)
                        Heat, WIF, Fuel flows up to 180    with FS19624; Fuel Pro Remote   FH23060   DAVCO 382051AMB25,
                        gph (681 lph); Bio Diesel          mount Heavy duty engines, Fluid     382851FGD25; Uses service
                        Compatible; See Technical          heat w/ 120v pre-heater; Fuel       part(s) 3950445S; Replaces
                        Information Catalog for more       flows up to 180 gph (681 lph);      FH23010; Fuel Pro Remote
                        details on this product            Bio Diesel Compatible; See          Mount; Heavy duty engines,
                                                           Technical Information Catalog for   unheated, WIF, 25 micron filter
                        Overall Height:   16.25 (413)      more details on this product        element FS19765Fuel Flows up
                        Width:     7.3 (185)                                                   to 180 gph (681 lph); Bio Diesel
                        WIF Sensor:   YES                  Overall Height:   16.25 (413)       Compatible; See Technical
                        Outlet Connection: 1/2-14 NPTF     Width:     7.3 (185)                Information Catalog for more
                        Inlet Connection:  1/2-14 NPTF     Outlet Connection: 1/2-14 NPTF      details on this product
                                                           Inlet Connection:  1/2-14 NPTF
                                                           Heater Voltage (AC): 120.0 (120)    Overall Height:   16.0 (406)
                                                                                               Width:    7.3 (185)
                                                                                               Outlet Connection: 1/2-14 NPTF
                                                                                               Inlet Connection:  1/2-14 NPTF
                                                                                               WIF Sensor:   YES
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