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    Auto Parts / Shoptalk
                                                                                      HYDRAULIC FILTRATION
              Understanding the
                                                                 Compatibility of Donaldson
         Filter Performance Alternatives  This information is provided as an aid to   Fluids
              Beta Rating System
                                                                 Filter Media with Hydraulic
              understanding fluid filter efficiency terminology
                                                                 While Donaldson has developed many formula-
              based on current ISO, ANSI and NFPA test
                                                                 tions of media, they can be divided into two broad
              standards. It is not proprietary and may be
                                                                 categories:  natural fibers, usually cellulose, and
              reproduced or distributed in any manner for
                                                                 synthetic or man-made fibers.
              educational purposes.
              What Is Beta Ratio?
              Beta ratio (symbolized by ß) is a formula used        Fluid to be             Recommended
              to calculate the filtration efficiency of a particular                          Cellulose
              fluid filter using base data obtained from multi-pass   Phosphate Ester         Synteq
                                                                    Diester                 Synteq
                                                                    Water Glycol
         Shoptalk  In a multi-pass test, fluid is continuously injected   Water-Oil Emulsion   Synteq
              with a uniform amount of contaminant (i.e., ISO
              medium test dust) then pumped through the filter
                                                                    Biodegradable Fluid
              unit being tested. Filter efficiency is determined by
              monitoring oil contamination levels upstream and      HWCF (high water
              downstream of the test filter at specific times. An         content fluids)     Synteq
              automatic particle counter is used to determine       Coarse Filtration       Wire Mesh
              the contamination level. Through this process an
              upstream to downstream particle count ratio is
              developed, known as the beta ratio.                A Note on Seals
         Filter Maintenance Kits   Beta ratio =    particle count in upstream oil         for most applications involving petroleum oil and
              The formula used to calculate the beta ratio is:
                                                                 •    Filters with seals made of BunaN are appropriate
                                                                     some high water content fluids.  Filters with seals
                              particle count in downstream oil
                                                                     made of Viton  or Fluorel  (both fluoroelastomers)
                                                                     are required when using diesters, phosphate ester
                where (x) is a given particle size
                                                                     fluids.  Donaldson offers both types.  (Viton  is a
                                                                     and Fluorel   is a registered trademark of 3M
                                Indicates that testing was           registered trademark of DuPont Dow Elastomers,
                                done with APC’s calibrated
                                    with NIST fluid               •   In Donaldson filters with fluorocarbon elastomer
         Liquid Filtration Heads & Filters  10(c)  larger           with fluids such as phosphate ester and high water
                                                                    seals, epoxy potting is used to accommodate higher
                                   = 1000
                                                                    temperature environments and for compatibility
                                                                    based fluids. The plastisol (heat cured) and ure-
                               1000 times more
                                                                    thane (self curing) potting materials used in other
                               particles upstream
                                                                    filters perform well with petroleum-based fluids.
                               than downstream
                               that are 10 µm and
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